Awsten Knight- My Dream Boy

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Your pov

Just like every other Saturday, I stood in my best friend's bedroom with a guitar in hands and a microphone in front of me.

"Alright," My best friend Ashline began, with a bass guitar hanging from her guitar strap, "You guys wanna just, practice our set?"

"Yeah, sounds good." I answered, adjusting my mic stand.

"Sure..." Our drummer spoke from behind us.

"Okay, one two three!" We each began playing loud. I sang Teenagers by My Chemical Romance. How on earth were we able to play a two guitar song with one guitar player? Improvise, of course.

"They're gonna clean up your looks, with all the lies in the books..." I sang,"To make a citizen outta you, because they sleep with a gun-" Before I could sing anymore, the door burst open, and I immediately stopped. Ashline's older brother stood there, angrily.

"Could you keep it down!? I have my band practicing downstairs!" His band!? The Blue Pop tarts!? That means Awsten's here! Oh shit... now I'm nervous...

"No way! Find somewhere else." Ashline shot.

"Do you know how hard it was to get my drum set into the basement!? I'm not moving it just for your little girl group."

"Our name is Completely Invisible, and we were here first!" Just then, the boy I had been dreading to see ran up behind Danny. Awsten...

"What's going on?" Awsten asked.

"Nothing, I got it. Get out!"

"No! This is my room. You get out!"

"Dude, it's fine. We can barely hear them anyways. Let's just go practice." Awsten said, trying to defuse the situation.

"Ugh, fine..." Danny and Awsten left the room while I stood there, mind racing with just a look at Awsten.

"I'm sorry about him, he's so annoying," Ashline apologized, then noticed my face, "Oh my god Y/n, why are you pink!?" She spoke, angrily, most likely because she thought it was cause of her brother.

"Awsten..." Was all I said.

"Oh..." She calmed down, then snickered, "Awww, Y/n's gotta crush on Awsten!"

"Shut up! I do not! I just think he's cute..."

"Sure, whatever..." Caroline on drums rolled her eyes.

"Anyways," Ashline began again, "I've got good news for Completely Invisible. I was gonna wait until after practice, but, I'm excited."

"What is it?" I asked.

"I got us a gig." Ashline sang.

"Oh my god! Like, a real one? Not just, a school thing?" I asked.

"Yep, it's in the park. We'll be playing in the local bands festival thing."

"This is awesome!" I jumped up and down, excited.

"Wow, I can't wait." Caroline smiled.

"But, there's a catch."

"A catch? What?" I asked.

"We'll be playing before the Blue Pop tarts." Awsten will see me perform... like, really perform... not watered down for school...

"That doesn't seem too bad." Caroline said.

"I dunno, Y/n's pink again." Ashline giggled.

"Oh whatever, lets just practice." I said, not wanting to get into it. They snickered, but eventually went back to practicing.

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