Frank Iero- I Don't Sneeze Like a Kitten

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Your pov

Frank and I laid in bed as the sun shone through the window. As we laid there, I heard a fairly violent cough come from the man beside me. Opening my eyes, I saw that his face was completely pale with rosy cheeks and drowsy eyes.

"Babe..." I spoke, sitting up. He didn't respond, "Frank..." He groaned, "Frank, wake up." He finally opened his tired eyes and looked to me.

"Mornin-" He was cut off by a violent cough.

"I think you're sick." He scoffed.

"I am not sick! I'm perfectly fine!" I folded my arms.

"Alright, try to get out of bed."

"Fine!" He yawned, then, with much difficulty, and lots of painful noises, he sat up, "There!"

"You're not out of bed." He groaned, throwing his head back.

"Can't we just, stay in bed?" He asked, bringing his gaze back to me.

"No, you're sick, and I'm gonna help you get better." Frank groaned, and then fell back into bed.

"Babe?" He hummed, tiredly, "You gotta get outta bed so I can wash the sheets."

"No..." He groggily said.

"No!? Ugh..." I stood up out of bed, and began taking the blankets off.

"Agh! Now I'm cold..." He whined.

"Then get outta bed! Move to the couch, please."

"Fine..." Finally, he slowly, and painfully got out of bed. He walked out of the bedroom, and immediately flopped onto the couch. Once I was done taking the sheets off, I shoved them into a laundry basket, and came out of the bedroom.

"I'll be back soon, I'm gonna head downstairs to do laundry. While I do that, you should probably shower."

"Do I have to!?" He asked, then began coughing. I waited until he was finally done.

"Yes," I stated.

"F-fi-..." Before he could finish, he sneezed very quickly, quietly, and softly.

"Aww, you sneeze like a kitten." I cooed.

"No I don't!" I giggled.

"I'll be back soon. Don't miss me too much."

"Do you have to go?" He asked.

"Do you want sheets to sleep on tonight?" Angrily, he folded his arms with an upset look upon his face.

"Babe, don't do anything stupid, okay?" He hummed in acknowledgement, "See ya," I kissed the top of his sweaty head and began downstairs.

Like always, the laundry room was empty. Quickly, I shoved the sheets into the washing machine, poured in soap and fabric softener, and started it. There was nothing else for me to do.

I am so bored... only if Frank weren't so sick... then we'd make out on the machines... I hope he showers... oh shit... I should call Gerard...

With a quiet yawn, I pulled out my phone, and called Gerard. He answered after just a few rings.

"Hello?" He asked.

"Hey, Frank's sick, so he won't be able to make it into the studio today."

"Really? Last time he said that he actually just went out with you." I giggled, remembering it.

"Yeah, but uhm, he's really sick this time. He looks disgusting, he's all pale and sweaty and he's coughing and-"

"Okay, okay, you can stop now! I feel like imma puke just hearing about it. Alright, I'll tell the guys he won't be here."

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