Emerson Barrett- My Sweetness

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Emerson's pov

The cool night air surrounded my shivering body as I smoked my cigarette. Light smoke streams escaped my lips as I exhaled, standing against the back wall of my apartment building. A small yellow light hung above my head, illuminating the spot where I stood.

Quiet footsteps came from beside me. I gazed over to see a girl I had never seen before. With just one look, I felt completely entranced by her presence. Who is she?

"Uhm, hi," I greeted as she passed. That was so lame...

"Hi," Her pretty gaze met mine as she walked, causing me to become increasingly nervous. Why am I so nervous? I can't be nervous... since when am I nervous?

"Wait," She turned around, no longer walking, "Uhm... wanna... wanna smoke?" With a curious look, she stepped towards me.

"Now why would I take a cigarette from a stranger?" I shrugged as my nerves slowly faded.

"Why not?" I pulled the pack out, offering her one.

"You've got only one left."

"You can have it." She gazed at the box, then at me.

"Fine," Her pretty fingers grabbed the small stick and stuck it between her lips, "What's your name?And pronouns?" She asked, fiddling through her pockets. I offered her my lighter, she took it and lit her cigarette.

"Emerson, he him, you?" She inhaled the smoke.

"Y/n, she they," A small stream of smoke escaped her lips.

"Y/n, that's really pretty." They're really pretty...


"So, Y/n, what're you doing out here at," I checked my watch, "Midnight..."

"Went out to have some fun. Got bored," I hummed, "You?"

"Just needed a smoke."

"In the middle of the night?"

"I've had a long day," She nodded, letting out a smoke circle, "Do you live around here? I've just... I've never seen you before."

"Yeah, I got an apartment up that way," They pointed towards the direction she had been walking in, "I like, just moved in a few weeks ago."

"Cool, I live just up there." I pointed up to the apartments over head.

They hummed, taking one last drag of the cigarette before flicking it to the pavement, and rubbing it into the ground with her shoe.

"I should get going, it's been nice talking to you."

"Yeah," They began walking away, when I stopped her, "Wait!" They turned back, "Will I ever see you again?"

"Maybe," A small smile appeared on her lips, "I'll see ya around, Emerson."

"Bye, Y/n..." With that, they had disappeared into the darkness of night. Damn... I'm already falling...

Time skip to a few weeks later

Y/n and I cuddled together on my little couch, enjoying the silence. Suddenly, she pulled away from me.

"What're you doing?" I asked.

"I gotta go..."

"Go? Where?" They shook her head, not wanting to answer.

"It's not important." They stood up from the couch, grabbing her coat.

"Wait, please don't go."

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