Pete Wentz- Thunder and Lightning and Rain

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Your pov

Standing around my apartment, the rain poured hard outside. In an instant thunder and lightning had joined it. Perfect...

Without much thought, I opened a window and stuck my hand out. So weird... it's so warm outside... yet the rain and all... it's cool...

I pulled my hand back in and shut the window. Walking into my little kitchen, I made myself some hot cocoa and prepared myself for a night of popcorn and horror movies. That is, until I got a text message from the boy who lived above me.

Petey: could I come over?

Every damn time... he's scared... he won't admit it... but I know he's scared of these storms... lucky for him I think it's adorable...

Me: yeah

Petey: cool

Sipping on my cocoa I waited for a knock at the door. Only about a minute passed before it came. I opened the door to see Pete in his pajamas. His fingers shook, and he held a look of fear in his eyes.

"Hey, you can come in." I said.

"Th-thank you..." He stepped inside and I shut the door.

"Cocoa?" I asked.

"Uhm... sure... if you don't mind."

"Not at all. I already made some." He hummed, then took a seat on my little dumpster couch. As I served up some cocoa, he wrapped himself in a blanket and desperately tried to relax as the thunder and rain boomed outside. I set his mug on the little coffee table before sitting next to him.

"You okay?" I asked. He nodded, clearly making it out that he wasn't okay.

"I'm fine..."

"Pete, you're shaking."

"Am I?" He sent a look, "Maybe I'm just dancing."

"Dancing? That's the best you can come up with?"

"What do you mean, 'come up with?' I am in fact, dancing!" I rolled my eyes.


"You're just jealous of my fire moves!"

"Your 'fire moves?' Don't you mean fear and anxiety?"

"No! Dancing!"

"Okay..." I began, but couldn't finish the insult. There was no famous dancer that came to mind.


"I was gonna insult you, but I don't know the name of any famous dancers." He hummed.

"M.C. Hammer?"

"That'll work, okay M.C. Hammer, quit showing off your 'fire moves' and drink your cocoa."

"But I can't do that."


"Can't touch this."

"Fuck off," I lightly pushed him. He just laughed, then began sipping on his cocoa. Then, I reached for a corner of his blanket.

"What are you doing?"

"I'm cold!" I pulled the blanket over my body, a bit came off of Pete.

"But I'm cold too!" He pulled it back. I rolled my eyes and just scooted closer to him. The room went quiet for a moment, "You could scoot closer, if you want..."

"I-" Then, there was a loud boom from outside. He jumped and immediately hugged onto me, "Oh, Petey..." I drew circles on his back, "Shhhh, it'll be okay..."

"Sorry," He pulled away, "I thought, maybe you were scared so I-" I scoffed.

"Pete, we both know you're scared of thunderstorms. It's okay, and, honestly, I think it's pretty adorable."

"Oh..." A hand went to his neck, "Wait, adorable?"

"Yeah..." He sent a smile.

"Cool..." There was another loud boom along with a flash. He hugged onto me again, "I just want it to be over..."

"I know..." I spoke softly, "It'll be over soon..." I kept drawing circles on his back and then kissed the side of his head. His body shook as he was completely terrified and his eyes were shut tight.

"Say stuff, please, talk to me about something. I don't care what it is, just start talking..."

"Uhm... okay... well, today at work my boss just would not stop bragging about this glorious trip to Europe her and her wife are taking. I honestly think it's cool that they get to go there, but when she walks around talking about it non stop, it's annoying!" He hummed.

"Keep going..."

"Well, lately I've been talking to this boy a lot..." I smiled, "He's really cute..." He pulled away to look at me.

"Really?" He sent a concerned look, "Who?"

"I think you know him. He's got straight dark hair, dark eyes that match. What else?" I thought, "Oh, he's insane at bass, and he's a great writer. But he's also a total nerd when it comes to Star Wars."


"It's true! And, I'm not done. Where was I? Oh, he's scared of thunderstorms but he doesn't like to admit it. It's one of the cutest things. But also..." should I say it?

"But also...?"

"But also, he's sweet," I moved my face closer to his, "And handsome," Closer, "And just," Closer, "Wonderful..." My lips were just an inch from his, when there was a boom, a flash, and the lights shut off. There wasn't a sound between us for a good thirty seconds. I hadn't moved, he hadn't moved.

"Pete?" I whispered against his skin.

"Y/n?" He whispered back against my own.

Finally, I just went for it. Even if it was impossible to see through the dark, my lips found their way to his. Our lips went back and forth, back and forth as we leaned into each other. Until, finally, he pressed hard and I had fallen backwards into the couch cushions.


"Yeah?" He whispered, breathing hard as he lay on top of me. The blanket fell on top of him, covering us both.

"I really like you..."

"I really like you too..." He kissed me up and down over and over. There was another loud boom and a flash against the darkness where I saw Pete's pretty face. His eyes became terrified, and he just hugged me as his body shook. I kissed the side of his head.

"Shhh, it's okay..."

"Could... could we just like, lay together? Like this? While you talk to me?"

"Of course..." We held each other in our arms as the loud thunder clapped and the lighting struck through the darkness of night. Eventually, the storm had died down, and we had fallen asleep, cuddling together.

Awwww Pete Wentz is so cute. We had a storm a few weeks ago and i was inspired to write this so I wrote it down in my drafts and forgot about until like, just a few hours ago. Have a wonderful day~peace out cheesebags

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