Ray Toro- I Like You, Say It Back, Please

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Ray's pov

The halls were fairly empty, my foot steps echoed through the halls as I walked to first period. The first person here, always the first person here...

The teacher greeted me as I put the chairs down and took a seat. As I sat there, Y/n walked through the door. She took her seat in front of me. She always looks so nice...

"Hey Y/n?" She turned around, oh shit, I didn't think I'd make it this far...

"Yeah?" She asked, smiling sweetly.

"Uhh I uh..." My hands began to sweat, my face, pink, "You... you look nice today..." Eyes on the floor to hide my embarrassment.

"Aww, thank you. You look nice too." My head shot up as a smile grew onto my face, really!? Wow...

"Thank... thank you." I responded, playing with my fingers under the desk. She turned back around, that's when I realized the boys had been watching the whole time.

"Aww, Ray has a little crush!" Frank cheered.

"I... I do not! We were just talking." I whispered, not wanting her to hear.

"You so do!" Gerard said.

"Shut up!"

Class began to start. The whole time, the boys made kissy faces at me. The next classes went similarly, until lunch time.

"Ray! Ray! Ray! Ray!" Gerard tried getting my attention from across the lunch room, "Ray! Isn't that the girl you like!?" He pointed at her, "That girl right there!" Immediately I sped over there.

"Stop it!" I smacked his hand down.

"Aww, you're blushing!"

"Stop!" My hands covered my face.

"Just go tell her you like her, and we'll stop. Okay?"

"What!? No! I... I can't!"

"Well of course you can! She's right there."

"What if she doesn't like me back?"

"Then she's missing out on a fine gentle man. But come on, any girl would love to go out with you!" He cheered.

"Okay, I'll do it."

"Yay! You can do it, buddy!" I smiled at my friend, before walking to her.

"Hey, Y/n?"

"Yeah?" Oh shit, what do I say now?

"Umm... can we maybe... talk in private, somewhere?" I asked, itching the back of my neck.

"Sure," She got up and we started walking through an empty hallway, "What do you wanna talk about?"

"I just... um...well I just wanted to tell you, I uh, I like you." My eyes met hers, say it back, please... please say it back to me...

"Really!?" She giggled, "You do?"

"Yeah... yeah I do." Come on, say it back, please...

"I like you too." Yes! I can't believe it! She likes me!

"I... wow... I'm so happy. I don't know what to say." I couldn't help but smile at her.

"Do you wanna be my boyfriend?" Boyfriend? Her boyfriend!? Of course! Yes I do! Say words please!

"Yeah... yes! I'd love to." This time, she was smiling.

"Cool, I'll see ya around." She kissed my cheek and walked off. My legs had stopped working, so I just stood there, awe struck. A hand went to my cheek. She kissed me! Oh my god! She actually kissed me!

Finally, I walked back to the cafeteria where I met up with the boys. My smile still evident on my face.

"So, what happened?" They all leaned in to hear what I had to say.

"She said she liked me, and now we're boyfriend and girlfriend. Then, she kissed my cheek." I explained.

"She kissed you!? Wow, what was it like?" Frank asked.

"It was the greatest thing that has ever happened to me."

"Whoa..." They all said.

This was so cute to write omg! I love writting Ray one shots they're always so cute! I also really like the new cavetown mv it's very cute. Anyways, I'm outta school for a couple of weeks so don't be surprised if I post a million times cause I have nothing else to do. Stay safe everyone and wash your hands! Have a great day~peace out cheesebags

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