Pete Wentz- Toe Sucker

931 17 15

R/a~ random address

Your pov

I walked into work like I did everyday. I sat at my desk and began to work. Minutes later the man that sits across from me was looking over at what I was doing.

"Hey Y/n, what are you working on?" Pete said, resting his head in his hand.

"Spreadsheets and stuff, nothing you in sales would care about." I said not looking away from my computer.

"Oh, ouch! My feelings." He said sarcastically.

"Oh I'm sorry, I didn't realize toe suckers had those." I said, looking up at him and smirking.

"Wow y/n, didn't know you had a feisty side." He winked. I blushed a little bit, but before I could say anything else the boss walked by and Pete quickly sat back down and started working. I did the same.

"I need you to get these spreadsheets done by the end of the day, alright doll?" Mr. Weekes said, taking a sip of his coffee. I nodded to signal I understood. As soon as he closed the door to his office

Pete peeked back over at me. "I can tell you're looking at me." I said keeping my eyes on the computer screen.

He smiled and went back to work. About an hour or two later I got up to take my lunch break. "What? You're just gonna up and leave me?" He asked as I was getting up.

I smiled, " It's my lunch break dumb ass, we still have different lunch breaks." I said stopping at his desk before walking to the breakroom.

"It's a shame really, I would love to have lunch with you sometime." Pete said looking up at me. Did he just say he wants to take me on a date???

"Well, maybe someday you can." I said as I walked off to the breakroom. The girls I ate lunch with were already there, talking about work gossip and things. I sat down next to Marina and began to eat my lunch.

"Y/n, what about you? Do you like anyone here?" Hayley asked opening a small bag of chips.

" I don't think so..." If I say Pete I'm done for...

"Oh come on y/n, what about Pete? You two flirt constantly. There's got to be something there." Lydia said eating her salad.

"Um no... It's not real. It's j-just a joke, fake flirting." My face started to become red, I finished eating my sad excuse for a lunch to try and hide it. Fake flirting yeah, that's it... that's all it's ever been...

They continued to talk about gossip for the rest of the hour. I wasn't paying too much attention because I didn't really care. It finally ended and I sat down at my desk. Pete was already gone so I was about to go back to work when I noticed a note sitting on the big black phone next to my computer.

Since we can't get lunch, why don't we get dinner together? Tonight after work? ~Pete I smiled and blushed a little. I grabbed a sticky note and wrote back to him, I would love to, toe licker~ y/n I reached over and stuck it on his phone like he did for me. I immediately went back to work, trying to get the spreadsheets done as fast as I could. An hour passed and Pete sat down at his desk.

I heard him chuckle a bit at my note which made me smile and blush a bit. I heard him grab another sticky note and write something down. After a few seconds he slid the little yellow paper under his computer to me. I grabbed it and quickly read it. Great! Send over your address and I'll pick you up at 6~ toe licker I giggled at his note and began to write on another note, my address is r/a, can't wait~ y/n I slid it over just like he had done before.

I guess it wasn't fake... The rest of the day went by rather quickly, I drove home and ran inside to get ready. I blasted Green Day as I got ready. I have no idea what to wear... Where are we even going??? I decided to go with a casual outfit, a band shirt with a striped long sleeve underneath paired with high waisted ripped jeans and my purple converse. As soon as I was ready I heard a knock at the door of my tiny house. I quickly grabbed my phone and turned off the music.

I opened the door to Pete in a band tee and jeans with his hair messy as hell, unlike how nice it usually is at work. Ok good he's dressed casual as well... "Hey y/n, are you ready?" He asked as I walked down the front steps.

"Hell yeah." I said causing him to laugh a bit. We got into his car and he drove off.

Aaaaaahhhh this one was so much fun to write! Should I do a part two?? It's up to you guys if I do. Have a good night's sleep tonight!~Peace out cheesebags

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