Gerard Way-Clingy

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Your pov

I woke up in the middle of the night to my bedroom door opening. I turned over in my bed to get a better look.

"Gerard?" I asked, groggy.

"Oh, hi jujube I didn't mean to wake you." He yawned, slipping his shirt off, and walking towards the bed.

"I thought you weren't supposed to be home until morning."

"I did too, but we got home early," He climbed into bed, laying right on top of me while holding me in his arms, "Oh, I've missed you so much dear." He must've just gotten off of the bus, he wreaks...

"Gee, I've missed you too. But you stink so bad." I giggled.

"Well too bad, I'm not leaving."

"That's okay, please take a shower in the morning though." I yawned, running my fingers through his short white hair. He just hummed in response, drifting off to sleep. I lightly drew circles on his back until I fell asleep as well.

I woke up with Gerard still on top of me. I kissed the top of his head, he smiled, and opened his eyes.

"Good morning, cutie."

"Good morning, my love." I responded, smiling.

"I don't wanna get up, I missed you so much on tour. I thought my head was going to explode without you." He tiredly said, playing with my hair.

"Aww, you're so cute. What time is it?" He just groaned, "Gerard..."

"I don't know..." He said, closing his eyes, "I'm not moving."

"Gee, you can still be with me if we get up," I persuaded, "You still need to take a shower." He just sighed.

"Fine..." He finally began to get off of me.

"Love you."

"Love you too." He sighed again, taking my hand, helping me up. He went to take a shower while I went to the kitchen. It's eleven!? Geez...

I began looking through our cupboards and fridge. Pancakes!

I pulled out the box and other ingredients. As I began mixing ingredients, Gerard came out in clean pajamas, immediately clinging onto me from the side. His arms around my waist while his head rested on the side of my shoulder. I ran my hand through the back of his still wet hair and kissed his head.

"That's better babe," He smelled of strawberry shampoo, "How was tour?"

"It was fun, but I missed you. It was also tiring and stressful. I'm just happy to be home again."

"Awww, I'm happy you're home, it's been so boring without you. Chocolate chips?" He nodded, "Nothing's really happened with me."

I began pouring the pancake mixture into the pan. He just watched me as I flipped the pancakes and added more batter. I handed him a plate, he took it, but kept a hand in mine. We sat on the couch, Gee sat as close as he could to me as we ate. He was like a little boy, clinging to his favorite stuffed animal.

Once done, we set our plates on the coffee table. He put his arms around me once again, pulling me into a hug.

"I'm not letting go of you."

"Yeah, I figured, I don't mind." He kissed my forehead, then my nose, then both my cheeks, and finally making his way to my lips. He tasted of syrupy goodness. Pulling away, he smiled, and looked down.

"You're so gorgeous, sweet pea."

"Yeah? You're pretty handsome yourself, lover boy."

"Well, you're the most beautiful girl I have ever met."

"You're the most handsome, amazing person I have ever met." I challenged.

"You're the most adorable thing in the whole entire worl- no no," He thought for a moment, "In the entire universe! I love you so much, you're so lovely and brilliant and everything good is you. Beat that!" I smiled sheepishly.

"I don't know if I can, you're all those things and more though. I love you too, more than anything in the world." He beamed, kissing my cheek, and then planting kisses all over my face. I laughed as he found my lips. We were both smiling too much to have it be a real kiss, but neither of us cared.

Sorry if this is shit, I totally rushed it ahahaha. I'm also very tired! Why am I always tired? It's such a mystery to me... Have an adorable day~peace out cheesebags

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