Frank Iero-Skateboard

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Your pov

I got to school today tired as hell. Maybe I shouldn't stay up all night watching Seinfeld...

I got to my first class right as the bell rang. I thought I was going to pass out in there.

Second period began, I walked in and Frank was standing at the other side of the room with his friends. He has a huge crush on me. He's constantly trying to impress me, it's really obvious. His friends have even told me multiple times. I was about to take my seat in the very back, but Frank saw me before I could.

"Hey Y/n, I wanna show you something..." I sat my stuff down and walked over, " ... trust me, it's going to be cool." He dropped the skateboard he had been holding onto the linoleum floor. Oh boy...

"You're gonna get yourself in trouble." I said, knowing exactly what was about to go down.

"I don't think I will." We both looked at the teacher who was deeply invested in a random romance novel. The teacher didn't care much in this class, it's basically a free period but still.

"Okay then, show me what you got." Most of the class was watching by now. He attempted a kick flip, but he ended up smacking his face into the floor with a loud thud as his skateboard hit the floor with a smack.

Frank's friends and I couldn't help but laugh, as for the rest of the class was filled with "oooooooo" as they winced at his pain. The teacher got up and walked over.

"Mr. Iero, what do you think you're doing!? A week's detention!" The teacher strutted back over to her desk, going back to her romance novel. He rolled over onto his back to look at me.

"I told you so." I said. He smirked as I held out a hand to help him up, he took it and got up. I let go of his hand, walking back to my seat.

"What, so you weren't impressed by my sick moves?" I looked back at him, laughed a little, and then rolled my eyes, "One day... one day I'll get her..." I heard him whisper.

I smiled to myself as I took my seat and began working on some homework for another class. I'm not that into him I mean... maybe if he asked me out I would?? He means well...

I looked back at him, he was staring at me but quickly moved his gaze back to his friends. I looked back down at my finished math assignment and shoved it into my bag. I pulled out my sketch book and ripped out the corner of a page. I should give him my number... it'd make his day...

I wrote each digit as legible as possible. Yeah... I'm gonna do this...

I got up and walked over to his group. He looked confused as to why I was there. I walked right up to him and handed him the piece of paper without a word and walked back to my seat, trying to pretend nothing just happened, and that my face was not as red as the fiery depths of hell.

I heard him and his friends freak out, causing me to smile. I began to draw random things trying to keep myself from looking back at him. I could almost feel him staring and smiling from the other side of the room.

I was about to look up at him, but the bell rang before I could, so I quickly grabbed my things and walked to my next class. Math... this class is so boring ughhhhh....

Math was a drag as usual, it was finally lunch time. I rushed to the lunch room, taking my spot in the back of the cafeteria waiting for my friends to arrive.

As I was getting my lunch out I felt a tap on my shoulder. I spun around and Frank was there, he looked nervous as fuck.

"Hey Y/n, I uhh was wondering if maybe you wanted to uhh, hang out tonight, or somethin'." I felt my face begin to turn red.

"Uhh, yeah... yeah sure, you have my number so... call or text me or whenever." I smiled and he did as well.

"Can I show you something?" I looked around, my friends were no where to be found, probably ditched me again...

"Uh, yeah sure..." Without warning, he grabbed my hand and led me down an all too familiar hallway, up some stairs, and finally through a door that said roof access. What do you have planned, Frankie?...

He took me to the ledge, you could see everything from up there.

"This is where I do most of my thinking, and eat most of my lunches since my friends have second lunch. I haven't really shown anyone this place before, but I was wondering if maybe you'd want to share it with me?" I smiled.

"I'd love to," He smiled too, "Can... can I do something?" He asked nervously.

"Yeah..." He leaned in and kissed me. I was totally surprised, he must've noticed that I was not kissing back, he pulled away rather quickly and looked down at his feet. I wrapped my arms around him, as he looked up I kissed him, this time he kissed back.

"I've been wanting to do this since the beginning of freshmen year." He said in between breaths.

"What took you so long?" I could feel him smiling with each kiss.

"What do you mean? It's only been a year." He snickered.

"One year too long." I smiled as we kept kissing.

I'm not sure why but I enjoy writing high school Frank a lot. This got over 100 reads!! Yay! Thank you so much! Have a fantastic day every pony~ peace out cheesebags

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