Pete Wentz- Love Notes

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Your pov

I was walking home from work to the apartment Pete and I shared while on the phone with one of my closest friends.

"...Sarah, he's never home anymore. I think he might be... cheating on me. I think I'm gonna leave him tonigh-" She interrupted me.

"No! Don't do that! He's not cheating, I promise. He loves you to much to do that! Just, hang in there a little longer, okay?"

"Uhh, okay..." That was weird...

"I should go, goodbye."

"Okay, bye..." I hung up, just as I had opened the door I was met with the scent of Clorox wipes and a completely clean apartment with a note left on the couch. Did Pete do this?

I picked up the note,

Y/n, I'm sorry I haven't been around much, but I'm making it up to you tonight. I have an outfit picked out for you on the bed. I love you more than you know.


I smiled and quickly made my way into the bedroom, where there was a lovely dress left on the bed. Plus another note. Before changing, I decided to read it.

Sweetheart, be ready at seven. This evening is all about you and me. You're the best thing that's ever happened to me. Love you forever, and forever.


Oh I love him... I can't believe I almost broke up with him!

I looked at the beautiful black dress left on the bed. It was short, but not too short(pic below). He even left my black tights and flats out...

I put the outfit on and went into the bathroom to see how I looked through the full body mirror

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I put the outfit on and went into the bathroom to see how I looked through the full body mirror. Wow I actually look really nice...

A note was left on the mirror.

I can't wait to see you tonight. I just know you're going to look so perfect. We're going to be eating somewhere extra special tonight. When you're ready, there should be a taxi waiting to pick you up and bring you here at around 7. I love you more than anything in the world.


I looked out the window and spotted the taxi Pete had sent. Epic...

I grabbed my purse and walked out to the taxi.

"Are you Y/n L/n?" The driver asked as I approached.

"Yes.." He nodded and unlocked the door, so I got in.

"Pete wanted me to give this to you." He handed me another note.

I'll be seeing you in just a few minutes. We've been together for over a year, yet I still get nervous for our dates. I don't know if it's the way you look at me or just my anxiety, but whatever it is, it's getting to me now. Don't be surprised if my hands get shaky, I'm sorry if they do. I love you more than you can bargain for.


"Here we are, miss." I looked up to see we had arrived at the nicest restaurant in town, and it was totally empty.

"Thank you." I told the driver as I got out. I walked inside and was immediately greeted by a waiter.

"Are you Y/n?" I smiled and nodded, "Come with me," I followed him around the restaurant until we made it to a room with an empty table for two, a rose in the middle, accompanied by one last note, "He'll be out in a moment." The waiter walked out as I sat down and read the note.

I love you so much that there are no words to describe it. You're the love of my life, I want that to be true forever.



"Y/n, love?" I turned to see Pete in a nice black and white suit. I got up and hugged him.

"I've missed you so much." Was all I could say as his arms went around me.

"Oh love, I've missed you too." He kissed my forehead and pulled away, bringing me back to the table. He pulled the chair out for me before sitting himself down, "How has your day been sweetheart?"

"It's been pretty good, the office wasn't too busy so I didn't do much. What about you?"

"I've been spending most of the day getting this ready for you. It was actually quite fun. Did you like the notes?"

"Yeah, they were so sweet." I answered as the food came out.

"Okay, this part got a little messed up, so I hope you're okay with eating mac n cheese tonight." He told me as the waiter set the plates of cheesy noodles in front of us.

"It's perfect! Mac n cheese is the best!" I laughed, looking down at the plate.

"See, I told you Pierre! I knew she'd love it!" Pete told the now clearly annoyed, waiter who just rolled his eyes and walked out. I began to eat as Pete talked, "Darling, I'm really sorry I've been gone a lot. I love you so much, I just wanted this night to be perfect and I know money is kinda tight. So I got a second job to pay for it all. Do you like it?"

"Do I like it? Pete, this is the nicest thing you've ever done for me. It's amazing! I don't even know how you managed it all! I can't believe I thought you were cheating!" I laughed as his face lit up from the sound of this.

"What?" He laughed as well.

"Yeah, I was on the phone with Sarah today and told her how you've been gone so much. I thought for sure you were cheating, but when I told her about it she got all weird and told me not to. She said I needed to wait a bit. I'm so happy I did." I smiled.

"Now that woulda been awful, but she was in on it. She actually confronted me about being gone so much, also thought I was cheating. But when I told her about this, she was all for it. She helped pick out your dress," He took a bite and continued, "You look so beautiful in it. Sarah definitely knew what she was doing."

"Aww thanks Pete." His face went from sweet and caring to serious but nervous in an instant. He cleared his throat and began to speak.

"I-I have s-s-something to ask you..." He set his fork down and began to stand up, " ...Y/n, I love you so damn much... " He took my hand, is he trying to...

"...I-I was wondering if m-maybe um..." He pulled something out from his pocket as his hands began to shake, " ... w-well uh, what I'm trying t-to ask you is um, uh..." He looked me in the eyes, "... Y/n love, w-will you marry me?" He opened the black box that held the most beautiful ring I had ever seen, I instantly began to cry.

"Yes, Pete I'd love to marry you!" I laughed as he engulfed me in a tight hug and began to kiss me. He was smiling like a mad man.

"I'm getting married to the most amazing girl ever! I'm so happy, I love you so much baby!" He cried and laughed.

"I love you too." I laughed as well.

"Oh! I almost forgot, the night isn't quite over. Come here!" He took my hand and led me to another room, "Hit it, Pierre!" The lights dimmed as the soft all too familiar sounds of cavetown played through the speakers, "May I have this dance?"

"You may." He smiled and brought me close, swaying slowly back and forth. We danced for the rest of the evening. This night is perfect...

Ahh I had so many ideas for this one but I'm so happy I ended up with this version! V nice v cool. Idk if you guys can tell but I've got so many ideas for one shots lately it's amazing ahh. Requests are always open to tho. Have a totally cool day~peace out cheesebags

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