Mikey Way- Paper Planes and Tin Can Phones

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Mikey's pov

I came home from school and noticed the for sale sign in the neighbors yard wasn't there, but a moving truck was set in the drive way. I wonder what the new neighbors will be like...

I walked inside and immediately made my way up to my room. I looked out the window just above my bed to see a girl unpacking boxes through the window directly across from mine. I should try talking to her, but how? I can't just yell at her...

I looked around my room and eyed the notebook on the night stand. I grabbed it, along with the pen on top, and began writing.

Neighbor girl,

Hi my name is Mikey, I live in the house next to yours, what school will you be going to? Maybe I'll see you there. I hope you have a nice day.


I carefully ripped out the page and folded it, neatly into a little plane. I opened my window and began to aim for the open space through hers. Okay one two three...

I threw the paper plane. It landed just inside the window sill. She didn't notice it at first, but as she walked over to unpack another box, she found it and smiled as her eyes scanned the note. She looked up and waved. I smiled and waved back.

She put the plane down and walked out of the room. I did something wrong, didn't I? I made it way too simple...

She walked back in with a notebook of her own, sat by the window sill, and began writing. I laid back on my bed, impatiently waiting for her response. I heard a little woosh and tilted my head towards the window. A little paper plane sat there. I picked it up, unfolded it, and began to read.


Hi, I'm Y/n. I hope you have a nice day as well. I'm actually home schooled, so I probably won't see you, haha.

~xo Y/n

Xo? Woah...

I grabbed the notebook again and began to write back.


You have a pretty name, it's a shame I think we could've had fun at the same school. Where did you move here from?


I folded it into a plane and threw it over. I watched her take it from the window sill and unfold the plane. She read through and set the note down as she began to write again.


Aww thank you! I moved from h/t, it was nice there. But I think this place is nice too! Especially since I have you to talk to!

~xo Y/n

Her use of exclamation points is adorable...

I smiled and laughed a little from each note she sent, as she did mine. This went on until her mom walked into her room, she waved goodbye and walked out of her room. Probably has to eat dinner... I should probably eat dinner...

I ran downstairs to see Gerard already helping himself to the left over pizza from the other night.

"Hi little brother, what's going on?" He asked, sliding the frozen pizza into the microwave.

"Nothing much." 

"Lies, I heard you laughing! And you're smiling! And... Michael James Way, is that a blush I see? Is there a girl up there!?" His eyes lit up more and more with each sentence he let out.

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