Frank Iero- Fall Into these Arms

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Your pov

The loud music blasted through the colorful club. The bar was full of creeps and weirdos while the dance floor was filled with even more of them. The place was full of second hand smoke and the smell of alcohol.

At a table is were I stood, a dark haired man stood across me, bored out of his mind, as I was. I need to get out of here...

"I'm gonna get some fresh air." I told him, but he seemed to be distracted by another girl. The outside was still a little smoky, but it wasn't as bad. A few other people stood against the wall, smoking, talking, and other things.

My eyes stared up into the night sky. This night has been the worst...

"Hi," I turned to see a short man with greasy dreads and a cigarette in between his fingers.

"Hi," I kindly smiled.

"I don't think I've ever seen you before, what's your name?" He asked.

"Y/n," It went quiet for a moment as he inhaled the nicotine of his cigarette.

"I'm Frank, what are ya doin' out here by yourself?"

"Shitty date..."

"That sucks, I don't have anything to do, why don't we go do something?"

"But I don't even know you."

"That's true, you could go back in there to your shitty date, go home, or you could spend the night with a stranger, like me!" He persuaded.

"I can't go home, he drove me here."

"Okay, that just leaves you with two options. Whatta ya say, sweetheart?" He held his hand out, waiting for my answer.

This is so sketchy why am I even considering it? He's got a good point! People always tell me to be more adventurous or whatever... yeah... let's go... this could be fun...

"Okay, I guess I'll go with you." I took his hand as he smirked.

"You won't regret it, baby doll," He took me over to another guy, dark hair, smoking against the wall, "Gee, can I take your car for a bit?" The man looked at him, and then to me. He exhaled a small stream of smoke.


"Cause, I'm gonna take my new friend out for a bit." The guy rolled his eyes, but dug into his pocket to fish out his keys and handed them to Frank.

"Clean it up when you're done, aight!" He called as we walked away.

"Aight!" Frank called back, dropping the cigarette and squashing it with his shoe. I climbed into the passenger seat as Frank started the car, "Sorry, Gerard's car isn't the cleanest." He chuckled.

"It's fine, I'd rather be in here than out there in the smoke. Where are you gonna take me, anyways?"

"I have a spot I'm gonna take you to, it's actually really nice. You can see the whole city from it." He explained.

"Mkay," It was dark outside, he drove with his headlights off, we talked as the music played quietly in the background, "... how far is this place, anyways?"

"We're almost there, babe." He said, taking a turn, and parking the car.

"Wow, you really can see everything!"

We got out of the car and leaned against the front, looking over the bright city lights under the starry night sky. He pulled out a cigarette and stuck it in between his lips, lighting it.

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