Gerard Way- Rebel Red Carnations

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Gerard's pov

I was walking to school, like any other day when I heard someone running towards me, "Gerard!" My pace quickened, shit! How did they find me so soon!?

"Get the fuck back over here, nerd head!" I began to run. I looked back to see Brendon running towards me, with the look of hatred on his face. I held tightly onto my backpack straps as I made my way into the school and hid in the crowd.

"Gerard! You can't hide for long! I'll beat the shit outta you later, fuck face!" He yelled, searching through the crowded hall.

Luckily, he didn't spot me and I was able to get to first period without any trouble. Good thing Mikey came to school early, he woulda been killed...

I sat down at my desk, but noticed something odd. Someone had left a bouquet of rebel red carnations. Are these... for me?

My face turned a light shade of pink from the thought, these can't be for me, this must be a mistake... unless?

I carefully picked up the flowers and examined their pretty petals until I found a note stuck in one of them. I pulled it out and took a look.

To: Gerard

From: Your secret admirer xoxo

For me? A secret admirer? But who?

I looked around the room, but there was no sign of who it could possibly be. It's probably just a prank, who would have an interest in me? These are probably from Frank or something...

The bell rang and I carefully set the flowers in my backpack. I hope they don't get crushed in there...

"Okay class, pull out last night's assignment and we'll go over the..." I tuned out the teacher and found myself staring at the flowers.

What if they're actually from someone? Maybe it isn't just Frank, but who? Who would do something like this, for me!?

I scanned the room and went through each girl that could be the 'secret admirer'. Julia? No, I think she's dating someone, Sarah? No, she makes fun of me, Y/n? No way, she's way out of my league, she'd never go for a guy like me...

My mind kept buzzing over the flowers until the sound of the bell snapped me out of my thoughts. I got up and carefully took my bag with me, making sure nothing happened to the flowers. I took my seat in second period math next to Frank.

"Frank," He turned towards me, "Do you know anything about these?" I showed him the carnations and he just looked confused.

"No, why do you have flowers?" I explained what had happened, "Someone really gave you these? But who?"

"It doesn't say." I sighed.

"We're gonna figure this out, who's in your first period?" I went through the list that I had already gone through earlier with each explanation as to why it couldn't be them.

"Then there's Y/n, but she wouldn't go out with me. It can't be her."

"Why not? Is she single?" I nodded.

"I think so, but have you seen her Frank? She's way too good for me. There's no way it's her!" Frank smirked, "What?"

"You're blushing, I think you're crushing on her too." He said in a sing song voice.

"Crushing? No! She's not the one! I'd have to be crazy to think it was her." I sighed and looked to the floor.

"You should ask her."

"What!?" I looked back up at him with an 'are you insane?' kind of expression.

"Just ask her! There's no harm, she's not the type of person to get worked up over a question." He's got a point...

"You think I should really do this?" He nodded.

"At lunch, we'll find her, and you can ask. It won't be that bad." I sent him an okay, just as the teacher came over and shut us up.

Third period went by fast, as I counted the seconds down, I became more and more nervous. By the time lunch came around, I was shaking and scared shitless. I sat down with the boys and turned to Frank.

"Have you spotted her at all?" He nodded and pointed to a table a few feet away, "Thanks Frank, I'll be back in a bit." I got up and began walking over.

"Good luck bud!" Frank yelled, I turned around and sent a shaky thumbs up back to him. Oh boy this isn't gonna go well! Ahhh! This is so scary! Okay deep breath, she's right there, no going back now... Ahhhhh!

I approached her table and turned to her.

"Hey Y/n, can I talk to you? Like, in private?" I asked, eyeing her friends. She nodded and got up. I walked just a few steps out of the lunch room before turning back to face her. I took a deep breath, oh god I can't do this! What have I gotten myself into?? No I have to do this! No turning back now! Ahhh...

" I got... I got these flowers they were...they were left on my desk this morning and it said secret admirer and I was wondering if maybe it was you? If not I'm really sorry to bother you, I just... you see my friend Frank is actually making me ask you I don't actually think you got these for me, I mean look at you! You're so much better than me and I-"

"Gerard, slow down," She spoke so kindly, "Yeah, the flowers were from me. I'm actually kind of surprised you thought of me." My eyes went wide as my jaw dropped. Her? But she's so much cooler than me...

"You really like me?"

"Yeah, I have for awhile now, actually," She nervously giggled, "So, do you like me?" Yes! Say yes! Please form words! She's waiting!

"Yes! Yeah, I do," She beamed from the response, "D-do you want to be my girlfriend?"

"Y-yeah, only if you'll be my boyfriend." I smiled wide and without thinking, I engulfed her in a warm hug. She just giggled.

"C-can I hold your hand?" I asked, pulling away.

"Sure," I somehow managed to smile even wider than I already was. I took the hand of my new girlfriend as we walked back out into the cafeteria.

"I need to introduce you to the guys! They'll love you!" I was extremely excited to have her by my side. We made it to the table, but they were gone.

"What the hell?" I picked up my bag and began looking around, "They were just here! They wouldn't just leave!" That was when I heard yelling from outside, we both ran out and immediately spotted the group of students formed in a small circle, "Shit."

Oooo cliff hanger! I'll post the next part soon. Hopefully within the next day or two. I hope you enjoyed this! I feel like I haven't done much with my one shots in awhile even tho that's very untrue. I have so many unfinished drafts waiting for me it's kinda crazy haha. Have a lovely day~peace out cheesebags

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