Frank Iero-I Wanna Hang Out With You

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Your pov

I sat on my bed, sketching in my sketchbook as David Bowie's album Heroes played through my speakers. There wasn't any other place I'd rather be than where I was right now, happily bopping my head to the beat, and staying up late. My sketch of Kurt Cobain wasn't looking too bad, up until I heard something knock against my window, startling me and causing my pencil to draw a nasty line across his face.

"Fuck..." I erased the line as more knocks came. Who the hell is that? How are they knocking at my window!? I'm on the second story!

Confused and slightly angered, I went to the window and slid it open. There stood Frank Iero, in the darkness of night, clinging to the wall garden that went right up to my window.

"Hi..." He greeted.

"What're you doing here?" I asked, curiously.

"I wanna hang out with you." Hang out with me? I mean... we talk at school... but it's not like we're friends...

"Don't you have a little group of boys you'd rather hang out with?"

"Yeah, but I don't wanna hang out with them. I always do. So, wanna hang out?" I thought for a moment, gazing back into my bedroom. The music still played as my unfinished drawing laid on my bed, "We don't have to, if you really don't wanna..." I can continue this tomorrow...

"Alright Frankie, I'll be down in a minute." He smiled.

"Cool..." I shut the window and thought for a moment. Out of all the people he could've asked... why me? I'm not exactly... cool...

Even as I asked myself this question, I still ended up changing into a different outfit and making myself look nicer than usual. I wore a black and white Kurt Cobain long sleeved shirt with a pair of jeans that had been torn and paint stained. My jacket was plain and black while my shoes were black and white Vans.

Once I was ready, I grabbed my phone and wallet, slipping them into my jacket's inside pockets, before quietly making my way downstairs. As silently as I could I opened the door, Frank stood there, leaning against the wall.

"Hey..." He greeted.

"Hi..." I greeted before stepping outside and shutting the door, "So, what'll we be doing?"

"I got some ideas," He stood up and began walking towards his car, "C'mon, it'll be fun."

"Alright..." I followed him to the car, still unsure about it all. He got into the drivers seat while I sat in the passenger, watching him start the car, and drive off, "So, where're we going?"

"Well, tonight's a good night to wreak havoc. I was thinking, gas station."

"Wreak havoc? I don't mean to burst your bubble Frank, but I'm not the type you'd wanna 'wreak havoc' with." He chuckled.

"I doubt it."

"You doubt it? Why?"

"Cause if you really didn't wanna do anything bad, you wouldn't have said yes to hanging out with me."

"Fair point." I spoke as we pulled up to the gas station.

"Alright, let's do some dumb shit!" He cried, before getting out of the car. I giggled, doing the same.

"What exactly will we be doing?" He shrugged.

"Dumb shit," He opened the door, "Ladies first." I smiled, stepping inside with Frank right behind me.

The door made a short 'ding dong' noise as each of us walked in. At the counter stood a very bored boy in his twenties, possibly a college student of some sort. He gazed over at us, then went back to staring at the counter. I wouldn't be surprised if this boy were stoned out of his mind at that point.

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