Gerard Way- You're So Weird

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Your pov

"Oh my god..." I spoke in the darkness of my bedroom, "I can't sleep..." My voice was hushed, and my eyes were stuck to the ceiling.

You're the one I've always wanted... Free falling through the time after life... I'm paralyzed cause there's nothing... that can stop my fall... in the void we can hold each other... till our brains and our guts splatter all over the fucking sidewalk... together... oh machine girl... now is a bad time to be stuck in my head...

Finally, I gazed at the clock. 3am... great... I have class tomorrow... till our brains and our guts splatter all over the fucking sidewalk... together...

Together... such a strange word... to be with someone... something I yearn for... but I've never been good with that kinda thing... I'm so weird...

Strange thoughts swirled around my mind until morning. My day went on like any other day, I went to class, kept my earbuds in the entire time, and didn't speak a word to my classmates.

As I sat in my art class, I kept my head rested on my table. Mchngrl vs Wlfgrl played through my earbuds. Lazily, I turned the volume up. I love this song so fucking much... Machine Girl my love...

Then, there was a tap on my arm. I gazed up to see all of my classmates staring at me.

"What... why is everyone staring?" I asked, taking out one of my earbuds.

"Your music... we can hear it..." A girl spoke.

"Okay...?" I said, unsure of the problem.

"Can you turn it down? It's loud..." She said.

"Uhm... yeah I guess..." I did as told. Bitch...

As class finally came to an end, I packed my things away, when a boy came over to me. He had dark hair and pale skin. The boy looked like a vampire with his piercing hazel eyes and dark clothes.

"Uhm... can I help you?" I asked.

"I just... uhm..." He gazed at his shoes, nervously.

"What?" I asked, just wanting to go home. He just stood there, "Look man, I gotta go-"

"Wait!" He spoke, "I just... uhm..." The boy repeated. I stood there, waiting, "I think... I think you are cool and I liked the music you were playing it was really cool and I wanna be friends but I'm not good at making friends will you be my friend?" He finally spat out.

"Geez... you're weird..." I spoke plainly. The boy didn't know what to say as he went pale from embarrassment, "Ah man, it's nothing to be embarrassed about. I didn't mean it like that. Sorry. I uhm... I gotta go... I'm sure you have more classes... I'll see you around..."

"I don't have any classes..." He spoke, I glared at him, but he didn't catch my gaze as he stared at his shoes, "Do you have any?"

"No but I'm fucking exhausted." I finally pushed past him and began leaving the classroom.

"Wait!" Oh my fucking god...

"What!?" I asked, irritated.

"Uhm... what's your name?"

"Y/n, why are you so nervous? Calm yourself, you're making me nervous."

"Sorry... I'm Gerard..."

"Cool, well, you've managed to follow me all the way out to my car. What next?" I asked, sarcastically.

"Uhm... I... I dunno..."

"Well make up your mind, it's fucking blazing out here..." I spoke, unlocking my car.

"Can I go with you? Where are you going?"

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