Gabe Saporta- I've Heard This Before

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Gabe's pov

"Y/n, I'm sorry. I'm sorry I'm such a shitty person and I understand if you don't wanna take me back but please I-" I sighed, gazing at myself in the mirror, "Y/n, I'm sorry, for everything. I-... this is so stupid..."

I pulled away and left the bathroom. William sat on the couch, I took a seat next to him.

"Have you talked to her yet?"


"Maybe you should do that... preferably soon..." I gazed at my friend.

"What do you mean?" He sighed.

"It's been fun having you crash at my place. Well at first it was. Now it's..." He struggled to find the right words, "It's just not working out."

"Are you seriously kicking me out!?"

"No! No, I just, I dunno. You've been here for over a month..."

"Yeah? And?"

"You said it'd be a week or so..."

"Because I haven't found the right time to talk to her."

"Dude, you've done this like a million times. What's so different?" I sat silently as I thought back to that night, "Is there anything different?"

"I uhm... yeah... something happened..." He sent a look, wanting me to elaborate, "I uhm... I told her I uhm... I told her I loved her..."


"Yeah... I dunno how it happened... we were fighting and it just slipped... I'm so fucking stupid..."

"Dude..." He spoke as if I were stupid.

"I know. It's why I haven't been back."

"You gotta talk to her."

"You just want me outta your fuckin' house."

"No. Well... yeah, kinda, but I genuinely think you should talk to her."

"I would but I'm terrified."

"You can do it. I know you can." He held a wide smile.

"Just say you want me outta your house."

"Gabe, that's ridiculous, you're my friend, of course I don't want you outta my house. I just want you to get back on you-"

"Fine! I'll go!"

Time skip

Rain poured down hard. I stood on her front porch, rocking back and forth on my heels with a bouquet of flowers in my hand. Just ring the doorbell... it's not that hard... this is gonna be awful...

Finally, I mustered up the courage to ring the doorbell. When she opened the door, I couldn't help but stare in awe. She looked so beautiful, wearing a nice dress and her hair done. Her reaction to seeing me was completely different than mine to her.

"Gabe, what the fuck are you doing here? I told you to get out of my life."

"I uhm... I... wow, you look amazing."


"Am I interrupting something?"

"No, I just got back from a date. It went really well."

"I see... can I come in?"


"C'mon, I got you something." I held the bouquet out. She gazed at the black orchids in my hand.

"You know me so well." She took them with a small smile.

"Better than anyone else, as you once said."

"You can come in..." I shut the door behind me. The rain was so loud we could hear it inside the little home.

"I just wanted to say I'm sorry."

"Yeah, I figured." She put the flowers in a vase with water before taking a seat in the living room. I joined her there.

"I'm sorry I'm such a shitty person. I know I treat you terribly, and I'm sorry."

"I've heard this before..."

"Right..." It went quiet for a moment, "Look, I just wanna let you know that when I said I loved you I meant it. Now, I know I said it at the worst possible time and it came out all stupid but I do love you very much. Even when we're not talking I still love you. You're everything to me. It doesn't really matter whether we're together or just friends, I still feel these things. I think I always will."

She just stared at me, unsure of what to say. I got up from my seat and began walking towards the front door.

"I'm gonna go now. I hope whoever it is you saw tonight treats you better than I could ever treat you. Goodbye." I had my hand on the door handle, but she spoke before I could leave.

"Wait, Gabe, I lied..."

"So you didn't have a date?"

"No! I did! But it went horribly..." She then buried her face in her hands. I sat back down, closer to her.

"Are you okay?" She shook her head.

"I've been trying so hard to get over you. Every date I've had has been with the most rude, idiotic, and disrespectful people I've ever met." She sighed.

"Oh babe..." I hugged her.

"You know what the worst part is?" I hummed, "The whole time I just kept thinking about you," I pulled away, "How are you so good at taking me out on dates but so horrible at keeping our relationship going?" I chuckled.

"Babe I have no idea," She had tears in her eyes, but she was smiling. I had missed that smile more than anything, "I'm gonna uhm... I'm gonna try really hard to keep us going."

"Really?" She asked as if it were a joke.

"Yeah! I know I'm terrible at all this shit, but imma try."

"Was living with William that horrible?"

"Babe... he didn't know how to clean his bathroom, it was the worst experience of my life."

"Oh my poor baby..." She made a pouty face that made me smile.

"So uhm... will you take me back?"

"My friends are gonna yell at me if I do."

"I can go back to William's if you want..."

"No, I don't wanna send you out in the rain..."


"You can stay the night, but on the couch!"

"Fine by me."

"You know where the blankets and pillows are." She then walked off. I smiled to myself as I got the couch ready for the night.

When I entered the bathroom, I noticed I had left my toothbrush here. As I rummaged through the medicine cabinet, I found everything still here. She didn't throw anything out... I mean usually it's no surprise... but for over a month? Has she been waiting for me?

I sighed and began getting ready for bed. Once I was done I buried myself under the mountain of blankets I had taken from the closet. My feet hung over the side of the small couch. Before I could attempt to get some sleep, I heard footsteps. Gazing over, I found her standing beside me in her pajamas. She sighed.

"Oh c'mon..." She held a hand out.

"You sure?"

"Yeah..." I took her hand as she led me into her bedroom. Or, can I call it our bedroom again?

In bed we faced each other. She looked so beautiful. There is no one else in this world for me. She moved, now laying closer to me.



"I love you too y'know. Even if we're awful at all this."

"So you finally admit it's not just me." She sighed.

"Go to sleep before you get kicked out again."

"Alright alright..."

Holy fucking bingle

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 15, 2023 ⏰

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