Gerard Way- A Drunken Kiss

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Gerard's pov

Nervously, I began getting ready for a night out with my friends. Y/n's gonna be there... she's so cool...

"Gerard!" Mikey called from downstairs, "Let's go!"

"Aight, I'm almost done!" I called back, slipping on my leather jacket, and walking down the stairs, "How do I look?" I asked with a smile.

"Like shit."

"Thanks for the honesty, fuck face."

"Oh, you want my honest opinion? You look," He held his hand in the air and tilted it back and forth, "Eh..."

"Wow, that's so much better..." I sarcastically said. We then began out the door, immediately we were met with the pitch black darkness of night.

As we walked, casually, Frank joined us. Then Ray, Y/n, and another girl I didn't know the name of. No one spoke, until that girl began talking.

"Uhm, why's it so quiet?"

"Cause no one's talking," Frank spat, "Dumb ass..." He murmured.

"Hey, I heard that!"

"Good!" Everyone stopped walking and Frank now faced this girl, "That was my intention!"

"Damn, what crawled up your ass and died?" She shot back.

"Who even are you!?"

"I'm Caroline! You've met me before!" She cried, angrily, "I'm Y/n's friend!" Honestly I don't remember...

Everyone just looked at her, puzzled. Caroline angrily stomped on the gravel sidewalk. Y/n just laughed.

"You're not helping!"

"Sorry, I can't help it." She said as we crossed over from the gravel to the paved sidewalk of the city.

"Wanna get a taxi? We're still on the outskirts of town, so..." Mikey said. Everyone agreed, and he began flailing his arms around and yelling, "Taxi!" Until one finally came.

"Front seat!" Caroline cried. All the boys then crowded into the back, but there seemed to be no room for Y/n.

"Uhm, there's not much room..."

"Oh, I can make room!" She then climbed in, but laid across our laps with her head rested on my thighs.

"I guess that works." The driver said and drove off.

"Hey Gerard," I looked to her, "How do I look from this angle?" She then began moving her legs around on Mikey and Ray's thighs.

"Smokin'," Was all I said, she giggled.

"Really? Smokin'? I had no idea you thought of me that way, Way." I love it when she calls me that...

"Oh, I can play that game too, L/n."

"Wow Gerard, I didn't think ya had it in ya."

"Aight kids, if you're done flirting now we've made it to the bar." Frank smirked.

"Ugh, shut up, Frankie! You'd do it too if I had my head in your lap!" She cried, sitting up, and now sitting on me.

"Now you're sitting on him! Geez, Y/n, might as well fuck him right in front of us." Frank spat.

"Shut up!" She pushed him. Finally, we all climbed out of the taxi cab. Bright neon lights were displayed outside the little night club.

Each of us walked inside, the only light in the medium sized room came from the purple light up dance floor and small yellow lights from above the bar. As I walked in further, there appeared to be more, little colored lights above the dance floor and speakers that blasted club music.

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