Gerard Way- Wow, What Great Friends I Have

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Your pov

My pencil made scratch sounds against my notebook page as my psychology teacher spoke. I had three friends sat around me at individual desks. Dallon, a tall boy with blue eyes and brown hair to my right. Josh, a boy you couldn't miss with his vibrant red hair, dark eyes, and a nose ring seated behind me. Behind Dallon but beside Josh sat Hayley, a girl who had fading orange hair with dark hazel eyes.

"Dissociative social disorder," The professor spoke while making white chalk marks along the green board, "Who can tell me something about that?" A boy with black hair that fell to his shoulders raised his hand, "Gerard?"

"It's a disorder where you don't feel guilt."

"Precisely," He wrote that along the board, "People with this disorder are able to do horrible things without feeling any remorse," As he talked, my pencil wrote fast between my fingers, "They also come off as charismatic, charming, if you will."

"Commonly this disorder is found," He turned around to face the class, "In criminals, serial killers, anything along those lines. Sadly, these people never get the right treatment since, for obvious reasons, they are sent to jail instead."

"Hey... pst..." I brought my gaze up towards Dallon sat beside me.


"We're thinkin' of heading out to an abandoned house tonight, wanna come along?" My heart fluttered at the sound of this. He wants me to go... of course I'll go... Dallon's really sweet...

"Uh, yeah, yeah I'd love to."

"Cool, I can pick ya up if you'd like." Oh wow... yes please...

"Sure, if you don't mind."

"Of course I don't, pretty girl." I sheepishly smiled, turning the other way so he wouldn't see.

"Y/n?" The teacher called, "Since it seems more important to speak with Dallon you must already know the material. Tell me, split personality disorder, why did it's numbers increase so suddenly?" Oh... I know this one...

"Because it is believed that therapists unintentionally asked questions related to the disorder causing patients to believe they themselves had the disorder. They may have had schizophrenia instead." I spoke fast. The teacher stepped back, surprised by my answer.

"Correct..." He marked along the board. My eyes darted towards the ticking clock above the door. Thirty seconds...

Swiftly, I began packing my things away. Twenty...

The teacher didn't take any notice to the time as he kept write things along the green board. Ten...

My friends got their things together, getting the hint from me, and the bell rang. Zero...

"Y/n?" Hayley asked as we all stood up.


"Will you be joining us tonight?"

"Of course, an abandoned house sounds fun."

"Sound spooky," Josh spoke as we began out the classroom, "The house is like, on the outskirts of town. I think it used to be a crack house or something..." I hummed. Many students had already left the building as sixth period had ended.

"Hey dip shit!" Dallon cried to someone in front of us, "Dip shit!" He then grabbed the hood of the raven haired boy from before, "Hey dip shit..."

"Dallon, let him go." I said as Gerard eyed Dallon, terrified.

"No way," Dallon snickered, "Look at this piece of shit." Ugh... I hate it when he does this...

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