Gerard Way- A Real Stand Up Gal

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Your pov

"Hey, Y/n! Wait up!" I turned to see my best friend, Daria, catching up to me on my morning walk to school.

"Oh, sorry." She now walked beside me, out of breath.

"Dude, I heard we're getting new seats today in first."

"What!? No! I won't get to sit next to you anymore, what if I get sat next to some weirdo!?"

"What if I get sat next to some weirdo!?" We both made faces at each other as we entered the blandly painted high school. We walked to our first period classroom quickly, eager to figure out who we'd have to deal with for our first hour.

"Oh shit," I commented, staring at the whiteboard. It showed off our new seating chart, and in fact, both Daria and I, were sat next to weirdos.

"Wait, but I'm still behind you! Yeah!" She cheered.

"Yeah, I'll just have to make more of an effort to turn and talk to you now." I giggled, taking my new seat.

The desk sat right next to me, was empty, same for Daria's. We talked a little bit more until the five minute bell rang when two boys came in and sat next to us, oh god Daria gets to sit next to Gerard! Oh no, she's gonna tell him...

"Hey Frankie, looks like the boys are back." They high fived each other. Daria tapped on my shoulder, I leaned back as she began to whisper to me.

"I'm sitting next to Gerard, you're sitting next to Frank. I say, we shoulda been switched." She giggled quietly, not even trying to hide her gaze at the boys.

I giggled too. They just looked at us strangely. The bell rang and the teacher began the lesson. Once work time started, I felt another tap on my shoulder and leaned back once again.

"I'm gonna do what's called a pro-gamer move." My eyes went wide, knowing exactly what she was going to do.

"Please don't."

"Oh, I'm gonna."

"Why am I friends with you, again?"

"Cause I'm gonna get ya a boyfriend." She then started talking to Gerard, and I heard every bit.

"Hey Gerard, my friend Y/n, right here, sitting right in front of me, you see her?"

"Yeah," He answered.

"Okay, well, she's single. She's really cool, she likes music, comic books, drawing, she's really good at drawing. She's really funny too, and she's so cute! Have you seen her!?" My face went red just over hearing what she was saying. I set my head down in my arms, wanting to hide.

"Wow, that's-" He began, but was interrupted.

"And that's not all! She's got an amazing best friend, me! It's me," I didn't have to turn around to know she was doing finger guns at herself, "And you'll get to hang out with me and her all the time! Doesn't she sound great?"

"Yeah, she sounds like a real stand up gal." Stand up gal!? What does that even mean!? Oh boy...

"Doesn't she!? So, how would you like to take her out sometime? But, only if you'll bring little Frankie along, we could go together! Like, a double date!"

"That sounds nice, when are ya thinking?" Oh god why!? No! Ahhh...

"How bout tomorrow night? We could go out to dinner, maybe catch a movie?" She offered.

"Yeah, that sounds great. Hey Frankie! These girls wanna take us out tomorrow night. You in?"

"Hell yeah." The bell rang, and I bolted out the door, my hand around Darias arm.

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