Tre Cool- Have A Kick Ass Summer

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Tre's pov

The last day of senior year was finally upon us as my fellow students signed yearbooks, and happily spoke of leaving this retched place, except of course, to come back for our graduation ceremony tomorrow. But this isn't about that.

When I got to my first period, it was all the same as the halls. Students stood around, chatting, signing books, all while the teacher couldn't care less.

I threw my bag on top of my desk, and grabbed my yearbook out. The backpack I had used all through high school had become so tattered and torn. I was happy to be parting ways with it soon. Once I grabbed my book, I set my bag on the floor. As soon as I did that, one of my fellow classmates slid onto my desk so she sat in front of me.

"Y/n, hey..." I greeted with a smile. She sat so close to me I could feel the heat radiating off of her skin. She's so pretty...

"Hi, wanna sign my yearbook?" She held the book up.

"Yeah, yeah..." We exchanged books, and began writing.

Have a kick ass summer!

I wrote my number as well. She was still writing once I was done, my gaze wandered towards her. I'm inviting her to the show...

"Here..." She handed the book back, I handed hers back. I didn't bother reading it right then, I just shut the book and held it under my arm.

"Have a kick ass summer," She giggled, then looked up at me, "You too." Then got off the desk and began walking away.

"Wait! Y/n," She turned, "Uhm, I have... something..." I went through my tattered bag as she curiously watched. Where are they? Oh...

I grabbed a flier for the concert my band would be having soon and handed it to her.

"My band is playing a concert with some other local bands. You should come. Bring your friends, or whatever..." She smiled.

"You're in a band? Cool, I'd love to come. What's your band's name?"

"Green Day, I'm on drums. Y'know Billie?" She nodded, "He's the singer and guitarist while Mike is on bass."

"Wow, I had no idea. That's so cool."

"So, will I see you there?"

"Definitely..." I smiled, "I can't wait." She held a small smile before walking off. My eyes couldn't tear themselves away from her. Oh Y/n... so pretty...

The bell then rang, startling me, and bringing my gaze away from her. I sighed to myself, sitting down at my desk.

"Last day of school, I don't care, do whatever..." Was all the teacher said.

A few more people signed my yearbook, while I signed theirs. It was fairly the same throughout the day, up until sixth period. Billie, Mike, and I sat around our table, talking and whatnot.

"...I invited Y/n to the show..." I said.

"Good, we need more people coming," Billie said, "Our crowds feel so fuckin' dead."

"Yeah..." Mike agreed. Then, our eyes stared at the clock as the final seconds of senior year were upon us. Five... four... three... two... one! We're free!

"Finally, we can get outta this shit hole of a school!" Billie cried. We grabbed our things, and raced out the doors to the front of the school.

"Tre," I turned to see Y/n standing there.

"Y/n, hey..."

"I just wanna let you know that... uhm..." She began to get nervous, "It's okay if you don't feel the same..." Before I could respond, she had run off. What? It's okay if you don't feel the same? About what? Why was she so nervous?

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