Gerard Way- Rebel Red Carnations(pt2)

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Gerard's pov

"Shit," Y/n and I pushed through the small crowd until we were in front. I looked just to see Mikey being lifted from the ground and Brendon's fist colliding with my brothers nose. I let go of Y/n's hand as I ran towards him and made my best effort to get him away from my brother.

"Get off of him!"

"Look who's here, ready to join your friends!?" He maniacally laughed as he dropped Mikey and took a swing at me.

"Gee!" Y/n called as I hit the ground.

"I'm okay!" I sent a reassuring yet weak smile as Brendon's boot hit my stomach. I wheezed.

"Oh, who's this?" He stepped towards her, "Managed to finally get a girlfriend, ay Gerard? She's pretty fine. It's a shame really, she's going to leave you once she sees how weak you are." He smirked.

"Don't fucking touch her!" I yelled, painfully getting up, dropping my bag and running towards her.

"I'm just being friendly, no need for the sudden protection," He lost interest in her and pulled me away. He shoved me to the ground, when he noticed my open bag, "Oh, what's this?" He picked it up and pulled out the carnations. He snickered and threw them to the ground.

"P-put those back..." I pleaded.

"Aww is wittle Gewawd embawaced," He smirked, kicked me in the face, and stomped on the flowers as I cried. He came back over to me and punched my face so hard, I blacked out. The flowers...

"Gerard?" I opened my eyes to see Y/n.

"Wha... what happened?"

"Brendon beat you up pretty bad, we're in the nurses room. I-"

"Gerard! Oh my god!" The lady that had just entered crushed me in a tight hug.

"Mom? What are you doing here?"

"Taking you home! Mikey's already in the car."

"I'm fine, I don't need to." Great I'm sure Y/n will definitely still want me with my mom here to 'save me' ughh...

"Of course you do! Look at yourself," I just groaned, "Get your things, I'll be in the car."

"I'm sorry you had to see that," I said to Y/n, "I'm sorry about this whole mess, if you don't want to go out with me anymore, I'll understand."

"Gerard, I'm still going out with you," I was surprised to hear this, "A boy willing to take a beating for me must really be something," She leaned over and kissed my cheek, "I should get to class, see ya later babe." I laid back for a moment, looking at the ceiling, she called me babe... wow...

"She called me babe..." I smiled and laughed, "She called me babe!" Happily, I got out of the nurses room with my bag, meeting my mom outside.

Hi guys, been wanting to finish this little story for awhile, finally did it! Ahh! I have so many half written oneshots to finish haha. Have a great day~peace out cheesebags

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