Gerard Way- You're My Favorite

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Gerards pov

At work it was another average day in the library. I re-shelved the books in the mostly empty building. Only a few people had came in, nothing too special.

The little bell at the top of the door rang, signaling someone had walked in. After putting away one more book, I walked up to the front desk to find a woman standing there, holding a few books. Immediately, a smile appeared on my face. Today is gonna be a good day...

"Y/n, hi," I greeted.

"Hey Gerard, I'm here to return these." She slid them across the counter to me.

"Did you like them?" I asked.

"Yeah, they were really good."

"See, I told you."

"I know you did!" She said as I entered the books back in.

"Are you gonna be looking for new books?" I asked, hoping she'd stay around.

"Sure, whatta ya got?"

"We just got a ton of new books, come, I'll show you." I motioned for her to come behind the counter, as I opened the door behind me.

"Are you sure? I don't think I'm allowed." She said, nervously.

"Don't worry, it'll be fine." I reassured her.

"Okay..." She followed me to the back, "I feel like I'm breaking the law or something." She giggled. I laughed as well. I like it when she laughs...

"Here we are!" I motioned towards the shelf they sat on. She slowly stepped towards the books, but then turned back to me, "Go ahead, get whatever you like." I leaned against the wall separating the back from the rest of the library.

"Are you sure?" She asked.

"Yeah, I don't mind." She sent a smile.

"Thank you..."

"No problem," I smiled, she then pulled one out, reading the back.

"Gerard?" I hummed, "Why are you always so nice to me?" Her gaze moved to mine. Cause I really like you...

"I'm nice to everyone." She shook her head.

"No, I mean, letting me go back here, always talking to me, and just being, really sweet."

"Cause, personally," I stepped closer and spoke lowly, "Out of all the other people who come here, you're my favorite." She giggled.

"Yeah?" She asked, setting the book down, and looking at another.

"Yeah..." It went quiet for a moment, besides the noise of her setting books down and picking them up.

Hey! You should ask her out! Wait... no, I can't do that... she wouldn't like me like that... but I'd love to take her out... fuck... now I'm conflicted...

"Gerard?" She asked, I snapped back to reality and hummed, "You okay?"

"Oh, yeah... yeah... just, thinking..."

"It's alright, only the best people think with a look like that on their face."

"Whatta ya mean by that?" I asked, offended, but with a joking undertone.

"I mean," She began, "You're cute..." She began to step towards the door, leading back out into the library with two books in her hands.

"Cute? Really?" I whispered, "Wait!" She turned to me, "Uhm," I stepped towards her, she held a smile, "Fuck, okay, I guess I'm doing this..."

"Uh, what?"

"Huh? Oh, I'm so sorry, uhm, lemme... lemme start over," I took a deep breath, "I uhm, I like you."

"Aww, I like you too."

"No, I mean... I mean I... I like you. Y'know?"

"Yeah, I like you too..."

"Really? That's... that's great! Uhm, so, you wanna do something? Later?"

"I'd love to."

"Cool..." Then, without much warning, she pulled on the collar of my shirt, forcing my lips to hers. The books she held fell to the floor with a thud, narrowly missing my shoes, "Y/n..." I murmured. She just smiled, I went in once again, over, and over.

"Gerard..." Her fingers ran through my yellow hair. At this point I had pressed her to the door, my lips going all over her face as she breathed hard.

"You're so fuckin' pretty..." I muttered, our lips going back and forth, over and over. Then, as if it were perfectly timed, someone out front hit the little bell on my desk.

"Ignore them..." I whispered against her lips. There was another ding, and another.

"You should probably go..."

"Fuck, alright, don't go anywhere..." She giggled, then kissed my cheek before I left the little room. Did not expect that... not one bit... I like her... I like her a lot...

Ah this is kinda short. I've had it in my drafts for awhile. I just stumbled upon it and stuck on an ending, so yeah, here we are! Have a lovely day~peace out cheesebags

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