Gerard Way- My Name is Jonas

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Your pov

I flipped through the records in my local record store until I finally found it. I pulled out the all blue record with four boys, in there early twenties, with Weezer printed in black on the top right corner.

"That is a great album," I jumped a little as I turned around to see a guy about my age with messy black hair and a dark leather jacket, "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to startle you. It's a great album you've got there, one of my favorites."

"Yeah, mine too. I already have it on vinyl, actually. But my ex decided it was a good idea to use it as a punching bag." I chuckled.

"That's awful! He's a real ass hole. I'm Gerard, by the way."

"I'm Y/n, what albums are you looking for?" I asked, seeing he didn't have a single one in his hands.

"Oh, I actually work here. Speaking of that, do you need help finding anything?" He asked, wow his scary look does not fit this sweet personality of his...

"Uh, yeah where are all your Green Day albums? I couldn't find a single one over there." I said, motioning to where the Green Day albums usually sat.

"Oh shit! I was supposed to restock this morning, I'm so sorry. Come with me, I'll pull them out from the back," He walked to the counter dividing the mysterious back room and the outside world, "Stay here," Was all he said before descending into the back room. I wonder what it's like in the back room... it must be where they hide the meaning of life...

He walked back out with a box in hands and set it down on the counter.

"There should be a few in there."

"Thanks, you really didn't have to." I told him as I flipped through the colorful records.

"It's my pleasure." He winked as I looked up at him. I pulled a few records out, adding them to my small pile of various Weezer and System of a Down vinyls.

"I think I've got everything." I said, sliding my pile closer to the register.

"Oh okay," He looked almost disappointed that I had to leave,"Will I ever see you again?" He asked, pressing various numbers on the register as he gazed upon the many vinyls I had.

"I don't know, when were you thinking?" He thought for a second.

"What are you doing right now?" He asked as I traded the money for the records.

"Nothing much, what about you?" He smirked.

"Well, my shift is over in about thirty seconds. We could go to my place and see how good these pretty little vinyls of yours sound." I leaned forward on the counter.

"I've got nothing better to do."

"Cool cool! Uh, do you wanna bag?" I nodded and he slid the vinyls into the paper bag. He handed it to me. Then, jumped over the counter and locked up the shop before taking me to his car. We talked about this and that until we made it to his apartment.

"Make yourself at home, I'll get some food ready." He went to the kitchen as I took a look around.

You can tell a lot about a person from the way they live... What words would I describe such a place? Messy, coffee scented, small, welcoming but run down, and filled with personality... a special kind of personality, the sweet kind... yet scary at the same time... the kind you only see in the movies... I bet he draws, and likes superheroes... or video games... he doesn't quite have his life together, but at this day in age, who does?

"Hey, sorry it took so long. I didn't think leftover pasta would take so long." He chuckled, sitting on the couch and motioning for me to sit as well. I sat down, and he handed me a bowl and fork.

"It's fine I don't mind, thanks." We talked and talked until we finished eating. We set our bowls on the already messy coffee table.

"Yoink!" He grabbed my bag of records and ran to his player.

"Hey!" I giggled, running after him. He flipped through until he landed on which ever one he chose. I looked over his shoulder, but he pulled it away before I could see what he chose, "What did you pick?"

"You'll see!" Right when the first note played, I knew the all to familiar tune. He grabbed both my hands and began to sing along, I did as well. We sang very loudly.

"My name is Jonas..." We both head banged to the beat, "... I'm carrying the wheel..." We also began to dance, very badly. He had a goofy grin on his face as he spun me around and jumped up and down.

"... My name is Wepeel
I got a box full of your toys
They're fresh out of batteries
But they're still making noise..."

The song ended along with our sad excuse for dancing. He still had his goofy grin as he stared at me. I took a step closer, so did he. I closed my eyes as our lips met as No One Else played in the background. I pulled away, but rested my forehead against his. He was smirking, wanting more. Let's just say, Tired of Sex did not make an appearance on our playlist for the remainder of the night.

Haha, Weezer. Dizzy_Star_77 I made this one especially for you. I hope you enjoy, lmao. The ending is so bad, I can't stop laughing. OK BUT HOW DID THIS GET 1.06K??? THANK YOU, BUT LIKE HOW?? IT'S BIZARRE TO ME! TOTALLY TUBULAR THO! THANKS KIDS! HAVE AN EXTRA SPECIAL DAY~PEACE OUT CHEESEBAGS

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