Ryan Ross- Pop Rocks

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Your pov

Come on just ring...

I'm sitting in third period, waiting for the bell to ring for lunch. Finally the bell rang, I rushed to get my things and ran to the lunch room to meet my friends.

"Y/n! Over here!" I turned around and was met with my boyfriend Ryan.

"Hey, baby!" He hugged me and kissed my cheek.

"I gotta go, but we're still on for tonight, right?" He let go, beginning to walk away.

"Yeah, of course!" He smiled and ran off.

I sat down at my designated table, awaiting my friends to arrive. After about a minute they all showed up, talking about gossip and stuff.

"We should play truth or dare!" Hayley said excitedly, playing with her now orange hair.

Everyone nodded in agreement. Oh boy, this'll be a fun lunch...

"Okay, I'll go first, Lydia, truth or dare?" Hayley asked eating a chip.

"Truth." She turned to face Hayley.

"Okay, Brendon, if you had the chance to fuck him, would ya?" Hayley smirked. Lydia's eyes widened as her cheeks went pink.

"Uhm...yeah..." She murmured, but made sure we could hear her, in fear of having to repeat it.

"Okay I guess it's my turn, Y/n truth or dare?" I feel like being daring...

"Dare." Everyone's eyes widened. Nobody picks dare...

"Wow, okay Josh. Do you still have all those pop rocks from the other day?" She asked turning to our friend.

"Uh, yeah." He began to pull them out.

"I dare you to, shove three packets of pop rocks in your mouth and shove your tongue into your lover boys mouth." I laughed a bit.

"Wait, seriously?" She nodded, sliding me the pop rocks. Alrighty then...

I looked around the lunch room for him, finally I spotted him talking to Pete.

"Alright, let's do this..." Everyone laughed as I opened the packets and shoved them in my mouth, trying my best not to swallow. I ran over to Ryan.

"Hey babe what's-" He was immediately cut off by me shoving my tongue in his mouth. He was totally surprised, but he quickly kissed me back as Pete awkwardly walked away.

"What was that?" He pulled away from me.

"Uh, me and the group are playing truth or dare and Lydia dared me to shove three packets of pop rocks into my mouth and shove my tongue into your mouth." As I explained he smiled and then laughed.

"I kinda like it..." He whispered seductively.

"What are you thinking, baby?" I asked as he looked me up and down.

"I'm thinking you, me, that supply closet in thirty seconds." I smiled and whispered.

"Lets go baby..." He grabbed my hand, but first made sure no one was looking and brought me into the supply closet. There was a desk in there so I sat on top of it as he closed the door.

Finally he turned around, immediately kissing me all over my neck and face. He leaned in close, causing me to fall and land with my back against the desk. He laughed and got on top of me, he pulled off my shirt with ease, he threw off his shirt and went to kissing my torso. I kissed his cheek and his forehead, he pulled off my pants and he pulled off his own. I guess it's really gonna happen...

He kissed me up and down, "Y/n, you're so beautiful..." As he was getting to pulling off my bra the bell rang,

"Baby, I gotta go..." I said in between kisses.

"Oh c'mon, just skip." He kept kissing me.

"I have a test..." I pushed him off and quickly got dressed, "... baby, you'll see me tonight, we can continue this then." I smiled and kissed him one last time.

"I'll see you then..." He kissed my cheek, I walked out, first checking to make sure no one was looking. I couldn't help but smile on my way to class.

Wowie things got real steamy in that one, oof. I can't write smut so none of that's happening in here, just bits of almost getting there. Have a fabulous day~peace out cheesebags

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