Gerard Way- Can I Give You a Kiss?

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Your pov

"Aliens do exist! You're just not wanting to accept it!" My friend Jenna cried.

"They do not! Have you ever seen one? I won't believe it unless I see it, okay?" I explained.

"It's not all about seeing y'know. Things are just, things, and we have to accept it! Like you! Aliens exist! You're just being stubborn!" She said, "Have you even seen the history channel? Aliens are all they cover! So they have to be real!"

"I won't believe it. Besides, the history channel is full of shit. Have you even seen that meme? You know, 'just because white people didn't do it, doesn't mean it was aliens'. It's all fake. You're just wrong."

"Whatever, I'll see you later." She got up from my tiny couch.

"Bye," I waved as she walked out the door of my little one bedroom one bathroom trailer. I got up and walked into my tiny bedroom and decided to go to bed. I fell asleep pretty quickly. But was soon awoken by a thud on my roof.

"What the hell?" I grumbled. Then another thud was heard from my tiny backyard. Ahhh I don't want to get up! Okay... three... two... one...

I sat up, okay I'm up, let's go see what punky teenagers have done to my little trailer now...

I stood up and slid on my robe and slippers. I made my way outside and saw something strange. It looked to be some sort of drone. It was huge and glowing. I walked closer.

"Hello?" I called as I got closer.

Then it started to shake, causing me to jump. It opened up to reveal a man in a blue suit and red tie. He looked normal, aside from the vibrant orange hair.

"Hello?" He looked at me with wide eyes and took a step closer, "Can I help you?" He furrowed his brows and opened his mouth to speak, but decided against it and brought his head down. He was mumbling something that I didn't understand. That was when my tired ass finally figured it out, is he... an alien!? Oh boy...

"Do you wanna come inside?" Is this how I'm supposed to act towards an alien!? What if I say something wrong... and they decide to invade our planet and then we go to war and then they kill the human race, taking the planet for themselves!? Oh boy I can't do this...

"Uhhh, where am I?" He finally spoke.

"New Jersey, you landed in my backyard. Do you wanna come inside?" I asked once again.

"Inside?" I nodded and walked back towards the door, motioning for him to come along.

"It's okay, I promise I won't hurt you," He had a curious look on his face as he stepped inside. He scanned the small space with wide eyes, "What's your name?" He hummed in response.

"Do you have a name?" He just looked confused. I pointed to myself, "My name is Y/n. What is your name?"

"Gerard..." He mumbled as he took everything in. He went to my kitchen and curiously looked at the sink and the few dishes in it.

"Are you an alien?" I asked, still examining his figure, trying to find any sign of alien.

"Alien? What's an alien?" He had made his way to the tv and began poking at it until he hit a button, turning it on and causing him to fall backwards in astonishment. But he quickly sat back up and stared at it, curiously.

"What is this?" He whispered to himself.

"An alien is like a creature from another planet. They usually look strange and want to invade us." Fuck! Why did I say invade? I just gave him the idea, great!

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