Gerard Way- The Subway

476 15 20

Tw- mentions of 9/11

Your pov

Waiting patiently for the subway to arrive, I quietly listened to Nirvana through my little earbuds. The people around me all looked the same as they did just yesterday. A boy with dark hair sat just feet away from me on a bench.

I've seen him before... he's the one who draws... I've tried drawing on the subway, it's a nightmare...

The teenagers heading home from school ran around the platform like everyday. Very loudly, they'd unnecessarily yell racial and homophobic slurs for no reason at all.

Ah yes, a white kid saying the n-word... I wonder what his mother thinks of him? Or these "friends" of his... it's disgusting how cool he thinks he is...

Finally, the subway pulled up. Everyone gathered on. Where I stood, it wasn't too crowded. The teenagers managed to join me there, along with the dark haired boy. As it took off, the teens ran around while the dark haired boy sat just a few feet away from me. I wonder what he's drawing this time...

Without even thinking, I leaned towards him. My eyes gazing over the sketchbook page. He looked up at me, so I backed away. Why'd I do that? Nobody wants strangers peeking at their sketches... at least, I don't...

Just then, a pair of teens ran passed us. They knocked over the boys sketchbook and pencils. Quickly, I dropped to the floor, helping him.

"Oh, you don't have to..." He said.

"No, I insist. They can be little shits sometimes." He chuckled. Aww...

"Thanks," He sat back down, I stood up, "Uhm, do you wanna sit? I promise I don't bite." He smiled, kindly.

"You don't mind?" I asked.

"Not at all," I took a seat next to him, "What's your name?"

"Y/n, what's yours?"

"Gerard, I've seen you ride this subway a few times. Are you from Jersey?"

"No, I'm from Cali, but I got a job here so I moved."

"Cali? How the hell'd you find yourself all the way up here?"

"My friend's got a little imports shop here. I'm working there now."

"You got beaches in Cali, right? I've only been like, once." I nodded.

"Lots of beaches." I smiled, thinking of it.

"Do you miss it?"

"So much, it's awesome there. But, when duty calls. What about you? Are you from Jersey?"

"Yeah, born and raised."

"Cool, what'd you do?"

"I'm working at Cartoon Network right now. But, I'm not so sure if I'm gonna stay there."

"Why's that?"

"I dunno, I mean, all my life I've wanted to do art. Comic books, cartoons, whatever, but now that I'm here, I'm not so sure about it."

"What'd you wanna do instead?"

"Music, mostly, I mean, I wanna keep doing art. Just, maybe not full time." He explained.

"Really? That's cool, do you play any instruments?"

"Guitar, but I'm shit," He chuckled, "I can sing, kinda." Just then, the subway came to a stop.

"Well, let me know how that works out for you." I said, standing up.

"Sure," He stood up as well, "Uhm, could I maybe get your number? Or something? I really liked talking with you." He smiled.

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