Frank Iero- I Love Dogs

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Your pov

I was walking my dog around the park later in the day. He was enjoying himself very much, sniffing just about everything he saw.

He was doing pretty well around other people, not jumping or anything, until we walked by a guy with dark hair and piercings. As we began to pass, Biscuit went ape shit and jumped on top of him, knocking him over.

"Oh my god, I am so sorry!" I told him, pulling Biscuit away. But he was laughing.

"It's okay, I love dogs," He reached out and petted him. I stepped closer so he could play with him without the leash pulling at Biscuit, "What's their name?"

"His name is Biscuit." I said, smiling down at him.

"Hi Biscuit! You are so adorable! Yes you are!" He laughed, talking to the dog, "Does your lovely owner have a name?" He glanced up at me for an answer.

"Y/n, and you?" I answered.

"Frank," He grinned, "What kind of dog is he?"

"Not sure really, we got him at the pound. He's a mutt." I explained.

"Cool, he's very cute. How old is he?"

"He just turned one last week." I said.

"Oh! Well happy birthday then, boy!" He chuckled as Biscuit playfully bit Frank's finger.

"What about you, do you have any pets?"

"No, I wish. My apartment won't allow them." He said, pouting while petting the dog.

"That's sad, Biscuit seems to really like you. He doesn't like most people, or interact with most people really. He usually doesn't care for them. But for some weird reason, he really likes you." I smiled as Frank's face beamed from the compliment.

"Yeah? That's kinda funny." I felt a vibration from my phone. I pulled it out to see someone had just sent me a dumb Lego bionicles meme, but I also realized it was getting late.

"Oh wow, I should probably be heading home. It was nice meeting you, Frank." I began to walk away with Biscuit trailing behind.

"It was nice meeting you too," He said as he got up and began walking the opposite direction, "I hope to see you again."

"Me and Biscuit walk around this park often so, you just might." I smiled sweetly as I waved and began the journey home.

For the next couple of weeks Biscuit and I would go on our daily walks to the park, like usual. Except almost everyday we would see Frank and talk with him for a bit, then go on with our day. I didn't think much of it. Frank was just a nice guy who liked dogs and really liked New Jersey.

Although today, ended up unusual. I took Biscuit for our said daily walk, and saw Frank. I greeted him and we began talking like usual.

"Hey Biscuit! Did you miss me, boy!?" Biscuit was more than happy to see his pal Frank again, "So, how are ya?" He asked me.

"I'm fine, you?"

"I don't know, I'm kind of nervous, honestly." Nervous? Why would he be nervous?

"Why are you nervous?" A curious smile made it's way across my face.

"Because, well I was wondering if you would maybe..." What? Why did he get quiet?

"What? I couldn't hear you." I took a step closer.

"I was wondering if maybe you would... I don't know. Never mind, it's stupid..." He scratched the back of his neck and kept his eyes to his shoes.

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