Frank Iero-Bowling

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Your pov

The girls and I decided we'd go bowling tonight, there wasn't much else for us to do. I sat on my porch, waiting for Jaiden's car to pull up with the rest of the girls, I'm always the last one to be picked up.

After scrolling through Instagram for about five minutes, I saw her car pull up accompanied by the laughter of my friends. I got up and quickly climbed into the back as they all greeted me.

The car ride was full of dumb stories and loud laughs, we made it to the bowling alley in about ten minutes. We filed out of the car and walked inside. The place was completely empty. Guess this is what it's like to be out on a Wednesday night haha...

We walked up to the counter, Jaiden insisted on paying for it all. As she talked to the man behind the counter, a group of rowdy boys walked in.

One was pale and had long black hair that covered his face a bit, another had glasses and a beanie with sandy blond hair, next to him was a tall guy with curls, and at the end, a shorter boy with dark hair and piercings on his lip and nose. They walked over to the counter and stood next to us.

"Hello girls, would you lovely ladies like to join us for a game of bowling on this fine night?" The shorter boy asked, leaning against the counter.

"Uh, no thanks." Breezy said as we all grabbed our shoes, walking to the section Jaiden had gotten us. Just as we all had our shoes on, the boys from before walked over to us.

"Hey girls, I bet we can get more points than you!" The pale boy smirked.

"Okay, fine, but we'll destroy you!" Sarah said as she got her ball ready.

"Okay, Before we start, I'm Gerard, this is Frank, Ray, and my brother Mikey." He pointed to each of the boys as he said their names, they each waved as he introduced them.

"I'm Sarah, this is Breezy, Jaiden, and Y/n. Okay let's do this!"

Jaiden went up against Gerard first. As they went I couldn't help but notice that Frank wouldn't take his eyes off me. I looked over at him, instead of looking away he smirked at me.

He brought his face closer and mouthed 'we're gonna crush you guys' I copied his movement and mouthed 'bet'. I sat back up just as Jaiden finished, it was my turn. I was going with Frank, I smirked as I picked up my ball. I'm not that bad at bowling...

I let go, seconds later Frank did as well. I hit all the pins, except one. Frank had done the same. As we each rolled, this time I hit the pin and he missed.

"Nice one, princess." I felt my face turn a light shade of pink, I hid it behind my hair. He smirked as he sat back down with his friends. I felt a tap on my shoulder and turned around to be met with Jaiden.

"I think that Frank has a thing for you."

"Really? I don't know..."

"He totally does, he keeps looking over here at you. You should make a move!"

"Uhh, I don't know... I'm not really into him..."

"Oh please, your face says otherwise." She turned back around to watch Breezy and Ray go. I looked up at Frank, who was in fact, looking back at me. Oh boy, oh fuck...

He smiled at me, I smiled and nodded back. I turned back around and hid my face again. Soon enough it was time for Frank and I to go.

"Hey princess, you're cute when you blush." He said, rather loudly as I rolled. His words caused me to mess up and get a gutter ball. Fuck...

He just laughed. Just as he was about to roll, I blurted out.

"You look dorky when you smile." I smirked as he messed up as well.

"Fuck!" Everyone laughed as I rolled and only missed two pins. Frank went and missed one.

"Nice one, princess," I mocked, he just rolled his eyes and sat down. The night kept going like this, me and Frank, going back and forth to get each other to mess up. We got to our last turn, "Good luck, rat boy." I smirked, just as I was about to roll, Frank ran over and pushed me. Causing me to get a gutter ball, he just laughed.

Just as he was about to roll, I ran over and kicked his leg. Not hard, just enough to mess him up. Which he did.

"Fuck!" He yelled, rubbing his leg, I just laughed. As I rolled, getting a strike.

"Fuck yeah!" I punched the air as my friends congratulated me. I turned around to watch Frank, he had done the same thing. He had a wide smirk on his face as he looked at me. His friends went ape shit over his strike.

"I'm gonna go to the bathroom." I told Sarah and ran off. I got to the bathroom, did my business, and washed my hands. As I walked out I saw Frank leaning on the wall in between the entrances of the two bathrooms. He smirked.

"You're not that bad out there."

"You're not that bad yourself." He wouldn't take his eyes off me.

"Yeah?" He got closer.

"Yeah..." He leaned in, pressing his lips against my own. He pulled away.

"You're cute when you blush..." I kissed him again to hide my face.

"Awww, I ship!" I turned around to be met with Jaiden walking towards us, "C'mon, Y/n we're leaving. The guys won." She rolled her eyes at the last part.

"I told you we'd crush you!" I laughed as I began to walk away, "Hey, wait..." I felt Frank grab onto my arm, so I turned around, "Can I get your number or something?" I nodded, he let go of my arm. I pulled out a sharpie from my jacket and grabbed his arm, writing my number as legible as possible. I finished and he just looked at it, "Rad..."

I laughed and ran off to join the girls. As we walked out, I heard the boys freak out as Frank showed them his arm. I just smiled to myself as I got into Jaiden's car and thought about Frank.

Ok so I'm gonna be in long beach for a week and I have no idea if I'll be able to update or anything there, if I can update I'll do my best to, but who knows, have a rad day~peace out cheesebags

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