Gerard Way-Mr. Loverman

884 21 16

Tw- suicidal thoughts and attempted suicide
Another sad one, guys

Your pov

Gerard's been gone for hours... I feel so bad... he's hard at work all day and then has to come home and take care of my sorry ass... he would be so much better off without me... I'm just a burden... not just to him... but to everyone... maybe I should just end it...

My bad thoughts started to take over as I layed on the couch in the tiny apartment me and my boyfriend share. That's not to bad of an idea... he's at work so... it'll work...

I decided I'd write him a note and then end it.

The front I wrote: Mr. Loverman my nickname for him

Goodbye my love, I shall set you free of me. I'm just a burden on you, you can do so much more without me. I love you, goodbye~y/n

I took a deep breath as tears began to fall. Some landed on the card, I wiped them away as I set the card on the table and walked to the kitchen for the biggest knife I could find. Our apartment is on a beach, so I decided to do it there. Gotta go out in style...

I walked out of the apartment and slowly made my way to the beach. I sat in front of the water, no one around. I took the knife and slowly cut the skin of my wrist and watched the blood flow down my arm as I cut further down, I did the same on the other arm, that's when I heard yelling.

Gerard's pov

I'm going home early, I have flowers for her, we're gonna have an amazing night out...

The things I thought as I unlocked the apartment.

"Surprise! I- Sugar? Baby?" I called, setting the flowers down, I saw a note Mr. Loverman I quickly read through, eyes going wider with every word read. Oh god no... did I do this? Did I say something to make her feel like a burden? No...

I ran outside to our little balcony, I saw her on the beach, knife in hand, slowly cutting into her arm. No...

I ran out of the apartment, not bothering to lock it, I ran to her.

"Y/n! Sugar, please, don't do this!" I yelled as tears streamed down my face. She dropped the knife as I held her in my arms.

"Sugar, I'm so sorry, th-this is all m-my fault please d-don't go I-I l-l-love you s-so much. Baby, I am a wreck without you, p-please." I sobbed, she did as well.

"N-No I'm s-sorry, oh god I-I don't w-want to g-go G-Gee, I l-love you t-too..." I quickly shuffled out my phone and called an ambulance.

"Baby, y-you don't ever have t-to be s-sorry, the am-ambulance will b-be here in te-ten minutes okay? Y-You can p-pull through, y-you can do this I-I believe in you..." I said these things over and over again, terrified I was about to lose the love of my life.

Your pov

Gee kept telling me I could make it, I wasn't to sure. This is awful, I've never seen him cry so hard...

"Mr. Loverman, please don't cry over me..." With that I blacked out, I was terrified I was going to die.

I change my mind I can't go, last time I left Gee home alone for a weekend at my mother's, he didn't know what to do with himself... he just... missed me... I can't do that to him...

I opened my eyes for a moment only to be met with bright lights, loud talking, and me being rolled somewhere. I kept getting glimpses of what was happening, but I could never figure out what exactly it was. I just knew I was terrified.

Then it just went black, I couldn't move, couldn't see, couldn't speak, I felt trapped. As I sat in the darkness I heard singing, not just any singing, it was Gerard.

"I'm Mr. Loverman
And I miss my lover, man
I'm Mr. Loverman
Oh and I miss my lover..."

He began to cry, I hate this, I just wanna wake up, I want to see that adorable smile of his, I want to see his messy black hair, I want to see his enchanting hazel eyes...

I felt a hand go over my hand, wait I can feel, I can feel! I just have to open my eyes...

It took me a few minutes, but eventually my eyes slowly opened, I was met with Mr. Loverman crying at my side. He looked up, his eyes widened and hugged me.

"I was so worried sugar, they said you wouldn't make it..." My arms hurt like hell, but I forced myself to wipe his tears away.

"Oh Gee, you look so tired, your hair is in an even bigger mess, you look like a wreck. Go home and rest please." He smiled at me.

"You're worried about me? Baby, you're the one in the hospital and you're still worried about me." I smiled back at him and nodded, "That's one of the reasons why I love you so much, you're always caring for others even when you're the one you should worry about." He leaned in and kissed me, I moved my hand to the back of his head.

"I love you too."

"Hey guys! Y/n's awake!" Our kiss was interrupted by rat boy barging into the room. Gerard moved out of the way for Frank to see me better. He hugged me, "I just knew you'd pull through, princess." I smiled and waved at the other two boys that had walked in behind Frank. Rat boy moved out of the way as Ray came in to give me a hug as well.

"I'm happy to see you as well, Gerard hasn't left your side at all. I almost forced him to come home and clean himself up." He chuckled. I laughed as well, looking over at my smiley Mr. Loverman. Ray pulled away as Mikey approached.

"You did good, Bug. Definitely fooled me, I wasn't sure if I'd ever see that dorky smile of yours again." He messed with my hair as I laughed.

"I love you guys so much, I-I'm sorry for putting you through all this. I was just-" Gerard pulled me into a hug as tears began to stream down my face.

"Don't apologize, no need for that. We're just happy to see you're okay." He spoke softly as they all agreed.

"Why don't we get out of here, get some pizza?" Frank suggested.

"That sounds great, rat boy." I smiled as Gee wiped away my tears with his sleeve. I'm gonna be okay, everything's gonna be okay, yeah... people do care, I guess I just missed it somehow...

Another sadder one :/. Again if you need anything at all I'm here, I promise I'll always be here for you guys. An earlier grave is never an optional way. Stay cool and have a mega epic day~peace out cheesebags

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Stay safe.

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