Gerard Way- Puddle Portal

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Gerard's pov

"Y/n, we gotta go! It's raining like crazy!" I cried to my good friend.

"I'm coming! I'm coming!" Finally, she came out of the building, walking next to me, "Please, it's not that bad." She held a hand out as it sprinkled.

"Still, it's raining."

"But I like the rain." She smiled, I gotta get her out of here so I can ask her out... when we get to my place... I'll ask her...

"Well, I mean, I do too. I just don't like getting drenched." But then again... I'm a total fool... she won't say yes to me...

"It's just sprinkling, it was way worse earlier." As we walked, we stood at the cross walk that held a medium sized puddle in front of it.

"You're not gonna jump in it, are you?" I asked.

"Why wouldn't I?" She stepped forward, as I walked ahead. The sound of a splash came up behind me.

"Dude, you'll get completely soaked," But there was no response, "Y/n?" Turning around, she had completely disappeared, "Y/n!?" I stepped forward, just on the edge of the puddle, when a hand reached up from it, pulling me in before I could even scream. Falling through, I landed right on top of her.

"Oh my god, I'm so sorry." Carefully, I climbed off.

"It's okay..." She reassured, then began looking at the strange world we had just discovered.

"Where are we?"

"I have no idea..." The sky was full of floating cotton candy clouds. The grass was greener than the prettiest of lawns. Just ahead, a castle sat, pink, and candy filled.

"Maybe we should go there."

"Yeah," She smiled, "This place is so strange..." She said, "I love it..." She giggled, looking around, "I've never seen anything like it."

"We should probably get out of here. It could be dangerous."

"Dangerous!? Gerard, we've found a world in a puddle! Aren't you curious?"

"A little..."

"Then let's go!" She began running towards the castle. What is this place?

I stood for just a moment, then, finally, I joined her. We made it to the big gates, but it seemed as if no one was home. She then knocked on the big wooden gate.

"Hello? Is anyone there?" She asked.

"I don't think anyone's home, we should go back."

"No, wait, look!" She pointed up towards a castle tower, a girl appeared to be sitting in the window. Y/n began waving her arms around, trying to get her attention. But the girl seemed distracted.

"Who do you think she is?" I asked.

"I'm not sure..." She answered, "Maybe we could climb over the gate. Are you good at climbing?"

"I dunno..." Something then caught my eye, "Wait, what's that?"

"Oh, that's a person! I think..." She began walking towards them, with me close behind.

"Hello?" She greeted, sort of. The man turned to her, it appeared that half of his face had been replaced with caramel. Woah...

"Who are you?" He asked.

"I'm Y/n, this is Gerard," I waved, "We wanna get into the castle."

"Oh, you don't wanna do that."

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