Ryan Ross- Oh! Darling

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Your pov

Doing nothing at all, I lie in my bed, eyes on the ceiling, with music playing quietly in the background. Ugh... I'm so bored...

"Y/n! Y/n!" I heard from the front yard. Almost immediately, I jumped up and opened my window. The dark sky made it incredibly hard to see the boy below, "Let down your hair!" He cried as if he were in some sort of fairytale.

"Does this work for ya?" I asked, grabbing the roll up ladder from the floor.

"Yeah," He said.

"But, my parents aren't home, so you could just go through the front door."

"That's no fun! Throw down the ladder!"

"Fine," I let the ladder roll down the side of the house. He jumped on, and climbed up.

"Hey beautiful," He greeted once he was right outside the window.

"C'mon..." I held a hand out, he took it, and I helped him inside.

"Sweetheart, I've missed you!" He cried, scattering kisses up and down my face.

"Aww..." I laughed. Finally, he pressed his sweet lips to mine, "Mkay," I began, giggling and pulling away, "Whatta ya wanna do?"

"I dunno..." He shrugged, then thought for a moment. Suddenly, he took a deep breath, and held his arms out not quite to his sides, but not quite out front, with his fingers stretched out, as he thought, "Wait, what if..."

"What if...?"

"Pillow fort?" He asked, dropping his arms. I giggled.

"Fuck yeah," I kissed his cheek before bringing all of my blankets and pillows out. We both went to work creating the most epic pillow fort we had ever constructed, "Wow," I stood, amazed by our work.

"Now this," He held is hands down towards the fort, "Is a pillow fort."

"It really do be." He smiled.

"Ladies first," He held his arms out, gesturing towards the entrance.

"Wow, such a gentleman..." I giggled, entering the fort. He followed close behind, "I dunno if you saw this, but!" I gestured towards the area full of blankets with my laptop set up and popcorn ready for a movie.

"Sick, I thought I smelled popcorn!" He smiled, immediately snuggling under the blankets. I followed close behind, "What're we watching?"

"Uhm..." I began, tapping on the keyboard, "I got School of Rock."

"With Jack Black?" I nodded, "Fuck yeah..." As I began the movie, he wrapped an arm around me. My gaze went up to him, he smiled at me, "You're really cute..."

"You are too," I kissed his cheek, "So fuckin' cute."

"Really?" I nodded, eating a piece of popcorn.

"I could stare at you all day." He chuckled, kissing the side of my head. We went back to the movie, then, as Jack Black jumped across the screen flaunting his fabulous guitar skills, Ryan turned to me.

"Y/n?" I hummed, "I can do that." I sent him a look.

"I know..."

"Well I don't care." He got up and began out the fort.

"Ryan, where are you...?" I then spotted his shadow outside the fort, "Oh, oh, he's going for the acoustic! He's going for the acoustic!" I cried, just before he crawled back into the fort with the dark brown wooden acoustic guitar in his hands.

"You ready for this?" I paused the movie, sat up, and nodded, "Mkay..." He played a couple of notes, then tuned it, and began.

"Oh, darling!" I immediately smiled, "Please believe me, I'll never do you no harm, believe me when I tell you, I'll never do you no harm..." Happily, I scooted closer to my boyfriend as he sang his pretty song. Gets me every time... his voice is just so damn pretty...

As soon as the song ended, I kissed him. He just stared at me when I pulled away. Then, he kissed me, hard. Because of this, I fell backwards into a pile of blankets. He fell on top of me along with the acoustic.

"Ryan?" I whispered.

"Huh...?" He asked, kissing my neck and face.

"Move the acoustic please."

"Oh," He chuckled, moving it to the side. Immediately, he got back on top of me, running his lips all over my face and neck. My fingers twisted around in his hair as his held me close.

"Ryan..." I hummed between breaths. He smirked against my lips.

"Say it again..."

"Ryan..." He pulled away for a moment, just to look in my eyes. With a sweet smile, he brushed a piece of hair out of my face.

"You're so pretty." I smiled, then pulled on his shirt for another kiss. Then, I pushed him away for a few seconds, still holding onto his shirt.

"Thanks, you are too." And I pulled him back in. Eventually, we fell asleep in each other's arms with the blankets entangled around us.

"Hey Y/n...?" I heard Ryan whisper.


"I uhm..." He hesitated for a moment, "I love you."

"Really?" He hummed a yes.

"Do you love me?"

"Of course I love you..." He kissed my cheek with a smile before we fell back asleep.

Aww, I feel like I haven't done a Ryan one in awhile which is: :( he's my favorite. So cute! Ah! I hope you liked this. Have a lovely day~peace out cheesebags

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