Mikey Way- The Ghost of You

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Tw: death and depression
Your pov

"Come on darling, let's get out of the rain," Mikey said, bringing me into the banquet hall. The room was decorated with all sorts of kind messages written to the soldiers getting shipped off to battle. The music began just as my love took my hand, "Baby, let's go see the guys."

"Okay sure," I agreed.

"Mikey! Y/n! Hey!" Gerard called us over.

"They really did a good job here, it looks so nice." Mikey told his brother.

"Y/n!" I turned around to see my friend Pete with a camera in his hand, "Say cheese!" Everyone froze as the camera captured the moment.

"I see you got the job." I said to him.

"Yeah, I can't go out fighting so I figure this'll make up for it." After a few more minutes of talking, Mikey stood by my side.

"Do you want to dance?" He asked the same nervous way he would when we first started seeing each other.

"Of course." He took my hand in his, and held me close. We slowly swayed to the sounds of the piano.

"Y/n, darling, I'm gonna miss you so much," I buried my head in his chest to hide my tears, "I love you so much." He kissed the top of my head.

"I love you too," I pulled away a little, but just enough so his arms still held me, "Mikey, I don't think you should go. I think you should stay."

"Baby, we talked about this. I wish I could but, you know I can't. It's only for a few months. As soon as I get back we're getting married. I promise you, we'll be together again."

"Oh Mikey," I clung to him tight as tears left my eyes, "I'm gonna miss you so much, I love you so."

"I love you too, goodbye my dear." His lips met mine one last time, before going back to his friends, getting ready to leave.

"Wait! Mikey!" I called to him, "Mikey!" Finally, he turned to me. I took off the locket I wore, a picture of him and I safely inside. I threw it to him, he barely caught it. He blew a kiss to me, I sent one back, and he was gone.

As the months passed, I only missed him more and more. He wrote to me as much as he could, but no matter how much he promised to be back. I couldn't help being scared.

Asleep on the couch, still in my work clothes, I awoke to a knock at the door. I fixed my hair a bit before answering.

"Hello?" A man in uniform stood in front of me with a pink slip in his hands and a look of sorrow. Instantly, my stomach ached, No, he can't be gone, this has to be for something else...

"Ms. Y/n L/n?"

"That's me."

"I'm sorry to inform you, your fiancé has passed in battle," He handed me the slip, "He was a good soldier, a great one. He served his country well. Here are his things." He handed me a box and walked away, I stood in the doorway, the news sinking in. I walked inside and set the box down before my knees gave in. The tears were uncontrollable.

It can't be... there must be some sort of mistake... he can't be gone... he promised we'd be together again... he promised...

After calming down, I took his things to our bedroom, and looked through. His uniform, glasses, tags, and a piece of paper with my locket wrapped around it. I pulled it out, taking the locket off, and looked over the letter.

Dear Y/n,

I miss you so much. I just want to see you again, see your face, and hold you in my arms. As I write this me and the boys are getting ready to board a boat. We're doing a surprise invasion on the shores of Normandy. Gerard is going to be commander on this mission. He's really excited. I-

The letter stopped there with a small puddle of spilt ink going down the page, tears left my eyes once again. I sobbed into his pillow, on his side of the bed, which would be empty for another night, and many more nights to come.

A few more months passed and all the other boys had come home safe, there was a welcome back party, but I hadn't been able to leave my bed since I found out my love would never be home. There was a knock at the door I didn't need to look up to know who it was.

"Y/n?" Gerard walked in and sat at the end of the bed, "I'm so sorry," His voice cracked, "It was my fault," I finally turned to him, his eyes were red, "It was my fault he died, I told him to go out in the front, where they were shooting the most. Y/n I'm so sorry," I didn't say a word, I couldn't, "Y'know there's a welcome home party down at the banquet hall. You should go, everyone would be happy to see you."

That's the thing, I can barely move, none the less talk, the love of my life is gone, I'll never see him again...

The tears started up again.

"Y/n, I'm sorry. I know this is hard on you I shouldn't have said anything. I'm here for you though, if you ever need anything." He left the room, as I lay sobbing once again.

As the months passed I would get better for a few weeks, and then go back to not functioning again. This week, I had crashed again. Gerard sat at the end of my bed, once again.

"Y/n, you can't keep doing this to yourself! You need to get up! I can't keep doing this, I know you loved him, I know this is hard, but that's no excuse! It's been months. It hurts me too, but I'm still working, I'm still living my life. Just, get out of bed. We're all worried about you, but we can't keep taking care of you like this. I have to go, please just get out of bed. It'll do you good." I heard him get up and leave, but I heard someone else come in.

"Y/n? It's me, Pete. Sorry it took so long, but I have the pictures from the dance. I thought you might want them, I got some pretty good shots of you and Mikey." He set them on the table beside my bed. An awkward silence fell over for a minute.

"I should go, see you around." Once he left, I looked through the pictures, but they only made me cry more. Pictures of Mikey holding me during the slow dance, to one's of us laughing with our friends.

I can't do this anymore... I'm a mess and no one wants to be around me... I'm a burden, I know I am...

Slowly, I forced myself out of bed, but before I could make it down the stairs, I fell. Hard. Screaming, I hit the bottom, losing all sense of control. I was gone.

Until I opened my eyes, laying in a bed, more comfortable than the one I owned, in a room more luxurious than any place I had stayed, with a view of the water only the greats could afford to have. The doors to a balcony were wide open.

My feet brought me to the doors, peering through a taller man with messy blond hair and a coffee mug in his hand stood with his back to me, but I knew exactly who it was. My hand places itself over my mouth, as tears formed again, except, they were happy.

"Mikey?" I asked quietly. He turned around, his eyes met mine before he dropped his mug and hugged me tight.

"Y/n, oh my god. I missed you so much, darling." He kissed me all over my face and neck.

"I missed you too. I thought I'd never see you again."

"Well, I did promise we'd see each other again. I'm so happy to be with you again."

"Promise me, you'll never leave like that again."

"I promise."

Well that was upsetting. I've had this idea for so long now I'm very happy to finally be able to show you guys. I hope you guys like it, I've seen lots of different stories based on this song and I thought I'd give it a try. Have an extra epic day~peace out cheesebags

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