Gerard Way-Yet, Here We Are!

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Your pov

I stood alone with my back against the lockers, waiting on my friend to find me. My fellow peers walked through the halls, chatting away. He's late... where is he? I hope he didn't get into another fight...

The halls now became empty with just a few students walking every now and then. I was becoming increasingly worried as the clock over head ticked the seconds away. That's it! I'm looking for him!

Agitated, I stood up, and began walking down the hall towards his last class. I gazed through the open door. The lights were off, keeping the room empty of any teacher or student. With a quiet sigh, I kept walking. Now, I was at the end of the hallway. He's either upstairs... or outside...

Then, I heard it. Sounds of yelling, painful wails, and fists against skin. Please don't be him... please don't be him...

Slowly, I stepped towards the door, then gazed through the window. Before my eyes met him, I knew deep down inside he was going to be there. His black hair fell over his face as he sent a punch to another boy's face. Damnit... why must he do this?

I opened the door, and stepped onto the concrete floor. He hadn't noticed as he was further away on a patch of grass.

"Gerard?" I spoke. He gazed up, looking like a deer in headlights.

"Y/n! I... I thought you had French club."

"It got cancelled..."

"Oh, I-" He then got hit in the face by the boy, "Ow, what the fuck? I'm talking!"

"I don't care." He said. Gerard shoved him to the ground, punching him all over. I held my fingers over my eyes. My eyes shut tight as the sounds of Gerard's fists against the boy's skin played loud. I hate this... why does he do this!? This is awful! Gerard...

"Y/n... Y/n..." I heard Gerard speak, then, he removed my hands, "It's okay..." But my hands went back to my mouth as I saw his beaten up face.

"Oh my god..." Was all I said. He had a cut on his forehead, another one on his lip, while his nose bled and his cheeks were a painful shade of red. He's usually so cute... but now... oh poor Gerard...

"What? I'm fine. C'mon, let's go." He began walking.

"Gerard, you're limping."

"I'll be fine!" He reassured, turning back to me, "C'mon..." I sighed, but did as told, taking a look at him. Even his knuckles held cuts across the skin.

"Geez..." I muttered. He hummed, "You're a mess."

"Yeah, I know. But I threw a good punch."

"Wanna come over? I can help clean you up."

"Even if I said no, you'd still force me to, so, yeah sure."

"I just wanna help! Your face is completely beaten! What if he broke something!? Or, something worse!?" He chuckled.

"You worry too much. I'm fine! I promise."

"How can you be fine!? You're limping Gerard!"

"Well, I am fine. I mean, I'm alive aren't I?" My eyes went wide.

"You could've died!? Gerard! I can't believe you! What if you had died!?"


"Gerard, I can't imagine what it'd be like..."


"I mean, what if-"

"Y/n! I'm fine. Please, you worry way too much," We now stood on my front porch, "I promise..." He smiled.

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