Miracle Part 1 [Edited]

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A year and a half had passed. The time for mourning was over and I was slowly trying to come out from my shell. I could not mope around forever. Though emotions were harder for me to tap into, with the help of Lucas, Dani and Tyler, I slowly began to allow warmth to seep into my frozen bones. The ice that covered my bones were thick for is shielded my wounded soul. It would take a long time before it fully melted.

My parents were slowly coming to realize that I was getting better. Though they still wanted to know what happened that night. I wanted to share my sorrow and pain with my family. I wanted them to understand what I was going through so they didn't have to worry anymore. But my tongue would not utter a word and my voice would freeze at the very mention of the night. But I tried in other ways to reassure them. I had learnt to spend time with my family again, to smile again. Though I didn't talk as much as I did last time.

I took in a deep breath and looked around me at the bustling shopping mall. We were currently in one of the most popular shopping malls in London. This was my first time visiting the United Kingdom and I had to admit, the change in scenery was helping me calm my nerves and forget about the stress back home. 

Lucas, Dani and Tyler had wanted to go traveling before school started and they had dragged me along with the excuse that it was my therapy session. I shook my head as I recalled our conversation a few weeks ago...


I looked up from the mechanical engineering book I was reading to look at Lucas who had come striding into my personal study. It was a weekend and as usual, I spent my days sitting at the arm chair in my study, reading and learning.

I didn't go out much, preferring to spend my time alone in the company of books. Occasionally, Lucas, Dani and Tyler would drop by for a visit, talking to me about the various things they did or were up to. I would usually listen in silent amusement to their conversations, putting in a word or two when they asked me something.

But mostly they left me alone to my own devices, understanding my need to be alone. I knew I wasn't the best friend they could have since I rarely initiated contact, but still they refused to allow me to recede back into the dark void. I was lucky that I had friends and family who cared for me. 

"Do you need something, Lucas?" I asked, hearing the urgency in his voice.

"It's not like I need you to do anything," he replied, throwing himself onto the couch in front of me. "I just need you to agree to go somewhere with me."

I raised an eyebrow. "You sound urgent."

"I am. You have no idea how long Dani has been asking me to do this," he grumbled. "But you've been so busy with your business and studies that I didn't have time to ask."

I set aside my book and leaned back into my arm chair, chuckling at his disgruntled expression.

"Well, she can be very insistent if she wants to."

He scowled at me. "I will overlook that very un-cute observation about my girl and get down to business. Now, Dani's been planning this whole thing since we graduated and of course you have to come along."

"Come along?"

"Yeah, we're going on a trip around the world tomorrow and you're coming with us, no excuses."

I just stared at Lucas impassively.  His scowl deepened.

"Don't give me that 'what bullshit are your saying' look. You're coming with us and that's final," he stated. "And I've already got your parents approval so you can't back out."

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