Heatwave Part 1 [Edited]

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Hey guys! So this story is coming to an end :( Only a few chapters left :(( Thank you so much for sticking with me through this wonderful journey <3 Just to update ya'll, I'm already thinking up of some ideas for my new project. It'll be a side story from this one so please anticipate it :D Soo... on with the story :D Please enjoy :)



When I woke up, I felt hot and uncomfortable. Rubbing my eyes, I turned to face Angel. At the sight of her I bolted upright and immediately called for Mitchell. I was in a state of panic when I saw how red my Angel's face was. She was shivering and beads of perspiration dotted her forehead. Her lips were pale and her eyes were squeezed shut.

"Angel, baby, wake up.Come on baby, open your eyes and look at me," I said,trying to keep my emotions controlled. My arms went around her shoulders to lift her up slightly. "Elizabeth wake up."

I waited with my heart in my throat as Elizabeth cracked her eyes open. I held her closer to me as her dainty frame trembled in my arms.

"Jason," she whispered, her voice hoarse. "Jason..."

"I'm right here baby. I'm right here," I crooned, placing her hand above my heart. I lifted her other hand and placed a kiss on her knuckles. Her fingers were icy to the touch. I glanced anxiously at the door, wondering what was taking Mitchell so long.

"Jason..."she murmured, her eyes sliding close again.

"No baby don't go back to sleep. Keep your eyes open Angel, just keep looking at me," I instructed while reaching around me to grab the white cloth on the table.

I quickly dumped the flowers in the vase away and dunked the cloth inside the water. I rinsed the cloth and quickly dabbed the sweat from my Angel's face and neck. I then took her fingers and kissed them, hoping to warm them up.

I watched as her pale lips slowly curved up into a small smile and she looked at me through hooded eyes. I maintained eye contact with her while alternating between wiping her face and neck, and warming her hands and fingers.I rubbed her arms, trying to stop her shivering.

Suddenly the door burst open and in came Mitchell with a man. The man was wearing a white shirt with jeans and sneakers. The only thing that identified him as a doctor was the stethoscope around his neck. 

His face was carefully blank when he caught sight of Angel in my arms. I didn't miss the way his eyes scanned me first. It was a cold and clinical assessment,like looking at a specimen under a microscope. Instinctively, my senses flared out in search of danger, my muscles coiled for action. But he merely averted his gaze aloofly and proceeded to taking Angel's temperature, tested her breathing and looked at her throat.He then took out a pen from his breast pocket and started scribbling down notes on his note pad.

"I assume you are the new master." He said without looking at me.

I didn't respond but turned to look back at my Angel. Her eyes were closed and her breathing was shallow. The lump in my throat got bigger making me tighten my hold around her. I knew that she must be in a lot of pain.

"What she is having now is a high fever partially due to high levels of stress as well as due to the pain in her legs. I'll prescribe her pain medication as well as antibiotics to help with the pain and fever. However," the doctor said making me look up at him. His eyes were fixed on Angel."The most important remedy is to keep her calm at all times. She's been through a lot. I fear she may be suffering from post-traumatic stress."

I kept my face carefully blank. So he knew about the trauma Angel has suffered. I looked at the doctor from the corner of my eye. He had jet black hair and eyes.His nose was long and elegant and he had high cheek bones,accentuated by his pale complexion. He looked a bit too young to be a doctor.

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