16. Survivers Are Left To Suffer

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Stiles continues in a thoughtful manner. "I guess the one I should start with is Malia.

"There were a few things happening simultaneously and her part is over fairly quickly until much later so let’s get that out of the way. After everything with the sacrifices, Mr. McCall didn’t leave town. He stayed… and started putting together a case to impeach my dad." Stiles’s voice hardens with anger that Phil feels an echo of.

"Dad was going through all his old unsolved cases. Now that he knew about the supernatural, he was trying to see if there were clues he had simply missed because he wasn’t aware. Malia’s in particular bothered him. Right after he became sheriff, a mother and her two children were killed when they drove off the road. The body of the older child - Malia - had been missing when they found the car. There were bites and scratches on the other bodies and the theory had been that coyotes had pulled Malia’s body from the car. But now dad thought that a werewolf might have been responsible for the crash and Malia’s disappearance because of the scratches, bites, and the fact that the accident occured on the full moon."

"Scott and I decided to try and find the body. Instead we realized that Malia was a werecoyote. That she could full shift and had been living in the woods as a coyote ever since the accident. We removed her doll from car wreck and she followed us in the school next day. Dad wasn't believing that the coyote was Malia. Police put an hunt on her even her dad. We have to change her back to human befor her own father could kill her. But we three after sacrifice thing were having problems so it wasn't as easy as it should have been."

"How do you guys change her back to human then?" Natasha asks.

"I will tell" Issac said looking at stiles he continues after stiles nods. "Allison was being haunt by Kate, she almost shot Lydia by arrow thinking she was kate....I was luckily there so I caught the arrow. Scott was afraid to shift...he thinks that he will never change back to human. Stiles wasn't able to tell if he was dreaming or he was awake...he wasn't able to read also. When these three, me and Lydia entered preserve we split. Soon I got my leg stuck in a coyote trap and Allison was with me. We saw that Malia's dad was going to shoot Malia, but Allison was able to get a shot and sedate him then we heard Scott Alpha roar and he shifted Malia back to human. That's how Scott and Allison close the door inside there head or something...stiles know that better then me." Issac looked at Stiles.

"It was like....I entered my class and everyone were too quiet so in went to leave but thay all started drawing same sign." Stiles makes same movements by his hands.

"When...is...a...door...not...a... door." Bruce said, Stiles nod and continue.

"But when thay were drowning it, I heard a whistle and I woke up...I was sleeping in coache's class. But Scott said I wasn't asleep....then I looked at my notebook....I was writing wake up again and again. We went to Deaton who told us that during ritual we left the door inside our mind ajar. That's why we were having issues so we have to close them fast. In jungle Allison made a shot and closed hers. Scott shifted and did his as well. When Lydia and me were in jungle she stepped on coyote trap but it wasn't triggered, she told me to read the instructions and dismantle it....but I wasn't able to read."

"Then how you did it?" Pepper asks, looking worried.

"Lydia told me that I don't need instructions...that I could do it without them..... I did. And when me and dad got to bring her back to her dad after all those years. I was sitting in dad's cruiser....I noticed I was able to read what was written on mirror, I thought I closed my door too." Before anyone can ask what Stiles mean by thought, he speak again.

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