47 ~ Kingdom and Throne

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Chapter 47 ~ Kingdom and Throne

~Amelia's POV~

"Well, he surely is different than what I remember of him." Rebekah muttered to me as we observed Marcel singing on a makeshift stage of a bar.

"It was almost a century ago. Times have changed." I replied back.

We had tracked down Marcel down to a bar nearby where he usually hung out with his fellow vampires. The whole city was crawling with vampires, obviously minions of Marcel. We were shocked to see the drastic change in the New Orleans.

"I can't believe he didn't contact us." Rebekah said sadly.

"I think Nik can handle this. Let's get out." I said after observing the hurt etched on her face. I tugged her along outside and we walked till we reached an alley which had a few benches and was deserted due to everyone being at the parade.

"I thought he loved me." Rebekah blurted out.

"I am sure he had his reasons." I said in an attempt to console her.

She shot me a look and I just shrugged and said instead, "Or he is just a greedy conniving little bastard."

This got her to chuckle. "We better do something to help around here. I don't want to face Marcel just yet." She said to me making me nod.

"Let's try our luck with the witches. Maybe they will tell us something." I suggested.

"The witches won't just hand it out. Ancestral witches are even more about all the nature and balance crap than normal witches."

"I will ask very nicely."


"This was your definition of nicely?" Rebekah asked flatly seeing the scenario. I had my hand around the throat of one witch while the other lay unconscious on the ground. Rebekah was at the doorway of some deserted place where I had tracked a couple witches down with two girls who I assumed were witches as well.

"Oh my god, Sophie!" One of them cried out as she tried to use her magic to loosen my hold on the girl I held.

I flicked my wrist making her fly back a couple steps. "You are not the only one with powers here sweetie." I formed a small fireball in my palm to prove it.

"Let me go and I'll tell you what you want to know." The girl I held, Sophie, gasped out. I let her go and she scrambled to her feet trying to steady herself.

"Now, wouldn't all this have been easier if you could have just done that in the beginning." I asked giving her a fake smile.

"I believe you have business with our brother. We want to know what it is." Rebekah said using her tact.

"You two are Originals." Sophie said with wide eyes. "But you are all vampires. Except for the twins, they are werewolf and vampire hybrids. But she just used magic." She pointed to me confused.

"Not so bright are you?" I asked raising my eyebrows. "Let me introduce myself, Amelia Mikaelson, werewolf vampire and witch. Now since that got cleared up, can one of you start talking before I make you start talking?"

"Follow us." Sophie said after a pause. "We will explain everything. I am assuming you are here because of Hayley and the baby."

"You lead us to any kind of trap and we kill everyone that you know, make you watch and then kill you." Rebekah said flatly, without blinking causing them to nod vigorously.

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