28 ~ He Will Rip Your Head Off.

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Chapter 28 ~ He Will Rip Your Head Off.

~Third Person's POV~

Stefan, Michael and Katherine didn't know how to explain to Elijah that his little sister had lost control and had become evil. Elijah dusted his suit as he waited with as much patience as he could muster.

"I am waiting. I need answers." Elijah said.

"Elijah, the thing is.." Katherine started but Elijah narrowed his eyes and questioned, "Katerina? What are you doing here of all places?"

"Elijah, there is a lot that you need to know. Should we go somewhere else where we can talk?" Stefan- the peacemaker said.

"Yes. That would be better. I need to feed anyways. I assume it has been a couple months since I was daggered?" Elijah replied.

"Three or four months give or take." Stefan said shrugging.

By this time they had gone out of the witch house and were walking through the woods. In the witch house, Elijah hadn't seen the other coffins due to Amelia's spell.

Elijah stopped as they reached the town. There was a lone person who walked past them and Elijah, in a flash went to stand besides her. She was taken aback with him appearing suddenly from thin air.

"Don't scream. This won't hurt much." Elijah compelled her and the girl stopped her struggle to try to get away from him.

Elijah sunk his fangs into her throat and drank her blood. He took only how much he needed to satisfy himself. He wasn't one to kill his victims. He compelled the girl to forget about this happening and to wear a scarf to cover up the bite wound. Without another word the girl went the opposite way. Elijah wiped his mouth and went to join the others.

"So tell me. What is it that I have missed?"


"So you are telling me that Niklaus had a hybrid army but Amelia killed all of them?" Elijah stated in a disbelieving tone.

"Yes. Except for me and Tyler." Michael said.

"Where is she now?" Elijah questioned after a few seconds.

"I think she went back to the mansion." Stefan said. When Elijah gave him a confused look he explained, "Klaus had a mansion built with the help of the hybrids. I think he was going to undagger you and the others shortly. The mansion was for all of you. I overheard him talking about it with a hybrid."

"Lead the way then." Elijah said motioning for Stefan to go forward.

In a couple of minutes they were at the Mikaelson mansion. They reached in time to witness Klaus flying out of the house-literally.

Stefan and Michael shared 'what the hell' looks while Katherine contemplated making a run for it. There was no knowing what Klaus would do to her.

"Klaus. What happened?" Stefan asked making Klaus take notice of them.

"Oh nothing." Klaus started as he got up and dusted himself. "I tried to talk to her and messed up. She started telling me off and in the end she used her witch power to throw me out of the house."

"Elijah. What are you doing here?" Klaus asked with slightly wide eyes as he noticed his older brother standing there. Katherine was hiding behind Stefan and Michael and hadn't been noticed by Klaus yet.

"They undaggered me." Elijah said motioning to Stefan and Michael.

"Why?" Klaus asked.

"We thought it would be good for Amelia. Maybe he could bring her back?" Stefan spoke up making it seem more like a question.

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