34 ~ I Don't Fancy Spending What Might Be My Last Hours Chatting With You.

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Chapter 34 ~ I Don't Fancy Spending What Might Be My Last Hours Chatting With You.

~Amelia's POV~

The phone rang waking me up from the deep slumber that I was in. I picked up the phone seeing Kat's name flash on the screen. Why would she call so early in the morning?

"Hello?" I said into the phone.

"Hey Amelia." I instantly frowned.

"Elena, where the hell is Katherine?" I all but growled out. Michael, who was sleeping beside me stirred.

"What are you talking about? I am Katherine." Elena said faking a laugh.

"If you don't want me to hunt you down and kill you, you better tell me where Katherine is and why you have her phone." I threatened. Michael had gotten up and had a concerned but confused expression on his face.

There was some noises to be heard from the phone and Katherine's voice came through. "Hey Mia."

"Kat." I sighed in relief. "What's going on?"

"It's complicated Mia. Your mother..." She was cut off and a guy's voice was heard shouting at her. I could swear that it was Finn. The call was ended abruptly and I was thoroughly confused.

"What was all that about?" Michael asked when I put the phone down.

"I don't know. But it isn't anything good."

~Third Person's POV~

"I did tell you that Amelia won't fall for it." Katherine said smugly.

"I told you not to tell her anything." Finn scowled at Katherine.

"I didn't say anything!" Katherine defended. She didn't like Finn and what he and his mother were upto. She had almost pieced everything together. She just had to tell one of the other siblings about it. But it was proving to be difficult when she was being held hostage. Just because of a case of mistaken identity.

"But you were going to." Elena put in earning her a glare from her.

"Yes. I was going to. What will you do to me? Kill me? Go ahead." Katherine bared her fangs at them. She couldn't move since she was tied to a chair with ropes that were dipped in vervain.

Before Finn could answer or do anything, his neck was snapped. A brunette, brown eyed vampire was seen as he fell to the ground unconscious. She was dressed in an all black outfit giving out a dangerous vibe.

She looked between Elena and Katherine and asked, "Which one of you is Katherine Pierce?"

"That would be me." Katherine announced hesitantly. She didn't recognize the vampire and didn't know if she was a friend or foe.

The vampire walked towards a scared Elena and pressed her neck in the weak spot. Elena was knocked out within seconds.

"Who are you?" Katherine asked her.

"My name is Nadia Petrova. You are my mother." The vampire announced making Katherine gasp.

Nadia broke the ropes, wincing as the vervain burnt her skin. Katherine looked up at the vampire who claimed to be her daughter.

"How?" Katherine managed to get out.

"After you abandoned me-"

"I didn't abandon you." Katherine cut her off sharply. "You were taken away from my arms when you were just born. I didn't have a say in it. Soon after Klaus had discovered me and I had left my house. After I was converted into a vampire I hunted the entire village in search for you. But you weren't there. I couldn't find you." Katherine said, her eyes filling up with tears as the memories filled her thoughts.

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