40 ~ You Must Have Memorized The Threat By Now.

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Chapter 40 ~ You Must Have Memorized The Threat By Now.

~Eliza's POV~

I cringed when I caught sight of Damon's angry face. Obviously news had reached to him about Stefan. Elena looked guilty and I said a mental goodbye to my car as I walked into the house with a fake smile.

"Hey Damon. Whatchu doin?" I chirped fakely.

"I will deal with you later." He said making me sigh and plop down on the sofa as I watched him give an angry look to Elena. "Elena, how could you tell them that we had more stakes?" Oh, Damon wasn't angry about the sire bond thing. He must not have known then.

"I didn't tell them. They already knew. Stefan might have told them how many stakes we had." Elena protested.

"So you could have lied, said that we didn't have them anymore." Damon retorted.

"They are the Originals Damon, not newly turned vampires." I said with a roll of my eyes. "You can't lie to them."

"They threatened to kill everyone if we didn't hand the stakes over. I had no choice Damon." Elena said with tears swelling up in her eyes. I watched with a bored look as Damon's anger melted and he embraced Elena, comforting her. Oh god, kill me now.

"If we are done with the sob story, we have to go and deliver the stakes at the Mikaelson house." I interrupted.

It was dark when we pulled up outside the mansion where the Mikaelsons were residing. Damon had a duffel bag which had the stakes. Out of the corner of my eye I saw a couple of hybrids in the shadows, near the tree line, guarding the house.

Damon had made Elena stay at home. He thought that Klaus would take Elena to make her a bloodbag again. I for one was all for getting rid of Elena.

I knocked twice on the door and Rebekah opened it within seconds. She eyed me with narrowed eyes and I gulped.

"I heard that you were here. I would say that it was good to see you but then I would be lying." Rebekah said with a hint of a smirk. I had to bite my tongue to stop myself from saying something that could potentially get me killed.

"Can we just get to the part that we came here for." Damon snapped. He was going to get himself killed one of these days.

"Oh yes, Amelia and Nik are expecting you." She said opening the door wider, letting us pass through. She walked behind us and I could feel her eyes on our backs. We were in the living room and Rebekah motioned for us to go through a doorway. But before we could, Caroline's voice interrupted us.

"What are you two doing here?" When I turned I could see the look of contempt in her eyes towards Damon. Damon had a scowl on his face. I could tell that those two weren't on the best of terms.

"Barbie vamp, always a pleasure to see you." Damon replied dryly. "Should have known you would be here. You were conspiring with the enemy since the beginning anyway."

"If I were you, I would watch how I would speak." Rebekah said with a scowl towards Damon. I nudged Damon hoping that he would shut up.

"And what if I don't? What can you do?" Damon retorted. It happened faster than I could blink.

Rebekah held Damon by his neck to a pillar, with his toes barely touching the ground. I moved to help Damon but I was stopped by Caroline who pinned my arms behind my back. Rebekah looked at Caroline and gave a nod. That tiny distraction was what was required for Damon to get out one of the white oak stakes from the inside of his jacket.

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