6 ~ People Don't Take News The Way You Expect Them To.

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Chapter 6 ~ People Don't Take News The Way You Expect Them To.

~Amelia's POV~

"Stefan messaged me to come to the boarding house and bring both of you as well." Damon spoke up checking his mobile.

"Alright. You guys go ahead, I'll be right behind you." I said getting up and going to the secret compartment in my closet.

"What do you want Damon?" I called out, still feeling his presence. Caroline had gone ahead.

"I just wanted to say that I believe you." He said.

I turned around and searched his face for any sign of a lie. His eyes showed the sincerity and he didn't have his usual smirk. Instead he had a small smile.

"Done checking me out?" he asked smirking now.

"I have seen better." I replied wryly and his smirk vanished. I congratulated myself mentally and went back to my hunt for my mobile.

"Searching for this?" Damon asked and I turned around to see my mobile in his hand.

I reached out for it but he leant back against the wall and his hand took my mobile a bit higher out of my reach.

"Damon, give it to me." I said narrowing my eyes just a bit.

He straightened up and came ahead until we were only 2 inches apart. He put my phone in my back pocket and whispered in my ear, "Sure."

"Jerk." I muttered when he had gone back to his original position.

"Care to say that again princess?" he asked smirking coming close again.

I backed up but he took a step towards me. It kept happening like that until I tripped and sat on my bed with Damon hovering over me. His eyes had darkened and a serious expression replaced his smirk.

He seemed to snap out of whatever daze he was in thankfully soon enough and he got off and offered a hand for me.

"How come you told us before you told others? And why did you even tell us? You could have kept it to yourself." He asked as we went down the staircase at human pace.

"Yes, I could have. But I didn't want to. There was no point anymore. It's the night before the big game." I shrugged.

"So no more secrets?" Damon asked and I laughed.

"As if. There's so much you don't know." I chuckled and shut the door behind me.

The door to the boarding house was opened and I smiled a fake smile and said, "Hello Katherine, out of your tomb I see."

"A-amelia, what are you doing here?" she stuttered. She looked eerily similar to Elena and I would have mistaken her for Elena but her hair was curled. That was the one difference between them based on looks at least.

"I invited her to come along." Damon replied.

"I hear you are responsible for daggering my brother. Not directly but you did give them the idea." I said giving her my most icy look.

She looked between me and Damon obviously wondering why Damon wasn't asking questions about what I meant.

"Oh, don't worry, he knows." I said motioning to Damon.

"H-he does? And you are still hanging out with her?" She asked him incredulously.

"Of course, why shouldn't I? Now if you will excuse us, we don't want to stand outside the whole time."

She went somewhere in a blur and Damon guided me towards the living room where I assumed everyone was once Elena had invited me in.

The entire gang was there and they looked up as we entered. Stefan had a knowing look in his eyes but didn't say anything. Well if that's how we were playing it.

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