10 ~ The Big Bad Vampire Is Scared Of Caroline!

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Chapter 10 ~ The Big Bad Vampire Is Scared Of Caroline!

~Amelia's POV~

It has been a week since Damon moved in with me, a week since Bonnie died (Yay!), a week since Klaus came to town, a week since Matt and Caroline began dating, a week since Elijah was alive and kicking, a week since I had not stepped out of the house.

Confused? Let me.

1) It seemed like Damon had a fallout with the others. He would have gone to Alaric's place but since the whole ordeal of Klaus in Alaric's body, he couldn't do that. Which left him only one option. Me. So Damon and I were now living together under the same roof. His room was the guest room. But he mostly wasn't in there.

2) During the 60's dance, Bonnie had tried to kill Klaus who had been possessing Alaric's body. But it failed and Klaus was still out there whereas Bonnie was dead. I for one was happy. Never liked that judgy little witch.

3) Klaus had made himself known at the 60's dance. He probably had been here even before that. I felt bad that he hadn't contacted me before he made himself known. He still hadn't till now. So yeah. I was beyond hurt.

4) Matt and Caroline realized that they both liked each other more than friends so they had begun dating the day after the 60's dance. From what Caroline told me, Matt had kissed her when he had dropped her off after the dance. So things proceeded from there.

5) Elena being the smart cookie that she is (note the heavy sarcasm here) undaggered my dear brother Elijah. He had come to visit me once. He told me that he and Elena have come to a deal. Where Elena would hand over herself for the sacrifice but no one else got hurt in the process. He said that he was going to help to break the curse. Needless to say I was utterly shocked. When I had proposed the same deal, they had scoffed in my face. I had managed to get only Damon too see things how they were.

6) I had gone into depression due to various reasons. For Klaus not contacting me, for Elijah being let out, my ice-cream on the verge of getting over, no decent show on the TV...like I said various reasons. So I hadn't stepped out of the house. At all.

Caroline came over and gave me updates every day after school. Caroline was upset about Bonnie dying and that was expected. But as of yesterday she seemed to be okay with it. I am guessing that Matt and I played an important role in it.

All these were the thought that were going through my head while I was eating breakfast. Damon was sitting opposite me on the kitchen counter eating some bacon and eggs. We were eating in comfortable silence when Caroline burst into the house.

"You have to come with me. This is life and death situation. Matt is taking me out on a date today and I don't have anything to wear! None of my outfits look good on me. You have to help me Mia." Caroline started rambling.

I walked over to her and placed my hands over her shoulders saying, "Breathe."

She took a few breaths and said, "So you will help me out?" with a hopeful expression on her face.

"Yeah sure. But I have to change first." I said pointing to the pajama shorts and singlet I was wearing.

"Okay I will wait down here for you." Caroline said nodding.

I grabbed my last piece of bacon and went to my room. In the next half an hour I had taken a shower, gotten dressed and come down to the kitchen

When I came inside the kitchen Damon and Caroline were whispering together about something. When they heard me they straightened up and Caroline grabbed me by the arm and led me outside. Before going out I yelled out to Damon," Don't trash the place." He just chuckled in reply.

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