48~ When Elena Was Finally Put In Her Place.

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Chapter 48 ~ When Elena Was Finally Put In Her Place.

~Third Person's POV~

"Do you know what is up with the originals?" Elena asked.

"What do you mean?" Eliza questioned, not looking up from her mobile.

"I haven't seen either of them from the past few days." Elena explained.

"So how does it concern us? They can do whatever they want to." Eliza said dismissively.

"How can you not be bothered about their sudden disappearance? Or at least a little curious?"

"Because it's not my business Elena. I am not like you, poking my nose into everybody else's business." Eliza retorted snapping at Elena.

"How dare you? You are just saying that because you still have feelings for Klaus." Elena accused with a scowl.

Eliza jumped up and slapped Elena before she could continue with her accusations. "Damn, I have been waiting to do that since ages. Feels good."

"I am sorry to break your little bubble but I am not like either of my brothers, I am not going to dance to every tune you play. I am not going to sit by idly while you act like you are the queen of the world. You claim to be so different from Katherine. Honestly, I would actually prefer Katherine over you. She is bitchy and conniving, sure, but you are a whiny spoilt brat who makes a fuss when things don't go her way. When it comes down to it, you would never save the day, everyone else does that for you. You can never finish a simple task before you call in Damon or Bonnie to save your ass." Eliza continued mockingly.

Elena went to punch Eliza for saying those things but Eliza held her hand inches away from her face. Using that hand she twisted it behind Elena and said in her ear, "I am centuries older than you. The Originals themselves have trained me. What makes you think that you could get an upper hand while combating with me? You are nothing but a 17 year old girl who thinks too much of herself."

She let go of Elena, who nursed her wrist which was now bruised, and stalked out of the boarding house.


"Klaus? Amelia? Anybody home?" Eliza yelled out as she reached the Mikaelson mansion. After exiting the boarding house, she had gone to the Grill where she compelled the bartender to hand over a bottle of scotch so she was slightly tipsy now.

Kol, having seen and heard her, jumped out of a balcony that faced the entrance and crouched in front of her.

"Is making a grand entrance a Mikaelson thing?" Eliza asked with a mock scowl.

"Why are you here?" Kol asked instead.

"Where are either of the twins?" Eliza shot back, avoiding his question. To be honest she herself didn't know why she was there.

"Out." Kol answered back vaguely.

"Out where?" Eliza pressed.

"None of your damn business." Katherine spoke up, appearing beside Kol.

"Katherine. Didn't know you were back in town." Eliza said taken aback.

"What are you doing here Eliza? Spying for information to give to Damon?" Katherine asked, squinting.

"I was just wondering where the twins were. I hadn't seen them in a while so I wanted to know." Eliza said blinking a few times trying to focus.

"Curiosity killed the cat, you know?" Kol muttered.

"Well good thing I am not a cat then huh?" Eliza grinned widely at that.

"You are drunk." Katherine stated making Eliza nod vigorously.

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