23 - The Past Catches Up.

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Chapter 23 – The Past Catches Up.

~Amelia's POV~

"Now say, Amelia is the best." I said straddling Stefan.

"No I won't!!" He said frowning at me.

"Say it." I said narrowing my eyes.

"Amelia is the best." He said grudgingly.

"And......?" I prompted.

"And I won't throw cold water over her again." he muttered.

Yes, I was still on that. Stefan had poured cold water on me.


I wasn't going to forgive him just like that. After drying myself using magic (how I loved my magic. Very handy.) I had taken after Stefan. He made the mistake of turning around and I had tackled him to the ground. The hybrids around us were getting some great entertainment.

"Good boy." I said smiling and getting up.

They hybrids were amused by the scene playing out. Stefan scowled at everyone and I cooed at him, "Don't be so grumpy Steffy, you will get more frown lines."

He just rolled his eyes at me and stalked away.


"Okay, so you aren't going to remove these rings from your finger. If you want to you can use it as a pendant on your necklace but keep it on you always." I instructed the hybrids.

"These rings are very hard to get and make so don't lose it." I said sternly.

I had just finished handing out the rings with the Lapis Lazuli to the hybrids. I hadn't told them the whole story since they didn't know who Mikael was.

"Couldn't we have a choice on what gem was used for the rings? Or the design? This is not that great." One of the female hybrids spoke up.

I chuckled and said, "Sadly no."

"Sooo, everyone clear about the rings? How they work and stuff? Any questions?" I asked finally.

I got a chorus of 'No', 'Nope' and 'Got it'

"Alright then. Let's leave shall we?"

All of them had their belongings gathered over the past week and they were packed in various suitcases which was already in a couple cars whose drivers I had compelled. I was sure none of the hybrids wanted to lug around the suitcases through the mountain.

"Race you guys to the bottom." One hybrid shouted and all of us took off running.

Laughter and playful jabs and shoves were all around us. Stefan and Kat the only vampires were vary since a bite of a hybrid could cause them intense pain. They wouldn't die since my blood was the cure. But the bite still hurt like a bitch.

I noticed one of the guys swing through trees. I laughed out loud when I saw Leah yank at the guys ankles making him tumble down and give a playful glare to her. All of us weren't exactly racing. It was just a playful time and the first time as a pack.

Suddenly I was playfully shoved and I widened my eyes as I fell backwards. Before I could use my magic I was steadied by someone. I turned around to thank the person and froze when I saw who it was.


His piercing green eyes held my eyes captive. I was aware of his hands on my waist and mine on his forearm. I wanted to look away but I found out that I couldn't. There was something about him that didn't let me do so.

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