1 ~ Kids, I Am Going To Tell You A Story, The Story Of Amelia Mikaelson!

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~ Kids, I Am Going To Tell You An Incredible Story, The Story Of Amelia Mikaelson.

~Amelia's POV~
"Mother" Nik called out holding an unnaturally still Henrik in his arms.

"What happened to him Niklaus?" Mother asked placing a hand on his unmoving body.

Nik explained how he had wanted to go to the werewolf area and see them change at night. 

Henrik had tagged along and had gotten injured in the process.

"I am sorry, I am so sorry." Nik kept saying.

"We must save him, there must be a way." Mother said anxiously to Ayana. Ayana was a witch like just like mother.

"The spirits will not give us a way Esther. Your boy is gone."

At this I broke down crying and clung to Bekah. Nik looked distraught and he lay Henrik down on the ground. Mikael had come and after asking mother what happened he looked at Nik and struck him. There was no love lost between Mikael and Nik and now Mikael looked as if he would kill Nik. I made my way between them to protect Nik. He was my twin brother and I could not bear to see him hurt. Mikael's expression softened a bit when he saw me. I was his favorite after all.

"It's not Nik's fault that this happened. It's in the past now. Let's not fight about it." I said as calmly I could manage.

Mikael gave a curt nod and walked away with mother. Nik looked a little bit more at ease looking at their turned backs. He gave me a hug and murmured a thank you.

"It's okay Nik" I murmured back. "It really is not your fault."

I watched as Finn and Elijah made a grave for Henrik in the yard and buried him. Bekah and I kept a flower each on top of his body and the grave was filled.

I made my way back to the house with Bekah and I could hear Mikael and my mother speaking with Ayana a friend of the family.

"We have to do something, don't we Esther?" I heard Mikael speak.

"Yeas but what you suggest is not a cure. It is a curse." Ayana replied before Mother could say anything.

"Yes Ayana I understand, but I can't let anyone else die. I have already lost two children."

"If that is your final decision, I guess I can't say anything. I will tell you everything you need to do."

"Thank you Ayana." Mikael replied.

After Ayana left Mikael hugged Mother and said "It will all turn out well. We will be faster, stronger, and more powerful than the werewolves. Our children will be able to protect themselves."

"I hope you are right Mikael." Mother replied softly.

Little had I known that this day would have been the last day of our human life.

It had been a long time since I had such a vivid memory of or life back then. I looked around and reassured myself I was in the fancy hotel suit in Manhattan and not part of a different millennia.

I was on my way to a small town called Mystic Falls, somewhere remote. My brother wanted me there ASAP, so to piss him off I took the longest detour possible. The closer I got, the more vivid my dreams were getting and I did not like that one bit.

As I got off the bed and headed to the ensuite, I wondered how much trouble I would get into if I did not show up at this town. My brother had not bothered to tell me much about anything and although that wasn't new for Nik, I just couldn't pin point how the dreams were connected.

I spent an awfully long time getting ready to leave the room, almost as if my subconscious wanted me to get late and get scolded by my brother.

I wished I could teleport myself to the town but I had never tried it and it wasn't the right time to test if teleportation would scatter me into bits or land me safely where I wanted to be.

My witch powers came from my mother whilst the rest of me was werewolf until the fateful vampire ritual. So now, I was the only tribrid and my brother got the honor of being the only hybrid, although he couldn't really access his werewolf part.

No one knew about me being part witch except for my family since not many others stuck around Nik and I. After a few centuries of Bekah, Elijah, Nik and I living together Elijah left us to live on his own. Nik was not very happy about it but I tried to convince him that Elijah also needed to live his own life. Nik complied thankfully and let Elijah go.

Nik had found a doppelganger in the 15oo's and was going to lift the curse put on us but Katerina tricked us and became a vampire. I had never seen Nik that furious before. We believed that Katerina had no descendants. Klaus had  massacred the whole town of Bulgaria to get back at her. Katerina had been smart enough to keep out from our sights and she had been on the run for the past 500 years. She tried faking her death to fool us and Nik and I had a good laugh about that. We had kept track of her though the years through the plenty of vampires and witches who want to stay in our good graces.

I had grown tired of it and had left my twin a decade back to enjoy on my own. I kept in touch with him and tried to meet him as often as possible but it had been quite a long time since we had met. 

The lead about Mystic Falls seemed promising and I could not wait to see what was in store for me there.

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