21 ~ I get an 'I am a Jackass' vibe from you.

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Chapter 21 ~ I get an 'I am a Jackass' vibe from you.

~Amelia's POV~

*Around a month later*

"Argh!" I screamed out in frustration punching a small tree which ended it breaking in half. It flew back and Katherine ducked just in time and avoided getting hit by it.

"Whoa calm down there Mia." Katherine said wide eyed.

Yup Katherine had joined us. Apparently she had been following us for around a week before she made herself known to us. I didn't really have a problem with her joining us. She didn't have anything to do in Mystic Falls. Also she feared being found by Klaus. I wasn't there to save her pretty little ass.

"It has been one month Kat!!" I growled at her feeling my wolf on the surface. Kat cowered in fear at my tone and I tried to calm myself down a notch or two.

"We have been almost everywhere in America!" I said rambling. "And what do we find? Nothing. Zip. Nada. Well apart from these two. And that's also probably a fluke." I motioned to the two hybrids that stood there awkwardly.

Somehow all of the werewolves seemed to have disappeared off the face of the earth. Aiden and Blair Lambert were the only 2 werewolves I had managed to get a hold off. They were siblings and had gone road tripping to Montana. They had been in search for other werewolves but they hadn't seemed to find any.

They hadn't opposed to the transition and had been adjusting well to the blood thirst and the whole package that came with being a hybrid. I had been helping them out to the best I could.

They were disowned by their parents when they turned into huge hairy animals. That obviously scaring the crap out of their parents which resulted in them being kicked to the curb. They had been in a car accident which had resulted in the lives of the people in the other while they had managed to get away with a few injuries. So when the next full moon came, they had gone wolf.

They had snuck back in and had taken money and a few other necessary things. They knew that their parents wouldn't complain since they would get in trouble for disowning their children.

Aiden was super protective of Blair and they were about 2 years apart, Blair being 17 and Aiden 19. They bickered occasionally and it was amusing to watch.

They were both really good looking and really similar as well, with flawless skin, dark brown almost black hair and a cheeky dimpled grin.

"Don't worry Amelia." Aiden said smiling reassuringly. "Just calm down. You will be able to think better then." He suggested. I had become good friends with the Lambert siblings seeing that we had a lot in common.

I took some deep breaths that calmed me down in minutes.

"Why don't you call up your brother? He may know what is going on." Blair suggested. I nodded and pulled out my phone.

I typed in Nik's number and he picked up at the third ring.

"Nik. I need your help." I said to him.

"What wrong?" he asked concerned.

I explained my current situation and I heard him mutter something along the lines of, 'I was afraid of this happening.'

"What are you talking about Nik?" I asked him scrunching my eyebrows.

"One of my witches contacted me recently. Apparently mother has been busy. She doesn't like that I have managed to create more hybrids or as she and father liked to call it, 'abominations', so she sent out some kind of warning to the werewolves in all of America.

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