30 ~ Amelia Mikaelson, part time cupid.

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Chapter 30 ~ Amelia Mikaelson, part time cupid.

~Third Person's POV~

Amelia was overwhelmed with emotions. The guilt of killing her father hadn't worn off. Her wobbly legs gave out and Stefan managed to get hold of her in his arms and she sobbed her heart out.

"I killed Mikael. I killed my father." She cried out.

This was the cue for her brothers to step in and take over. Elijah ordered Damon and Michael to take Matt into the house. Klaus told Stefan to give Amelia to him. Stefan passed Amelia over to Klaus and went to inform the girls about the success.

"Nik, I killed Mikael. That makes me no better than he is." She looked up teary eyed at him making Klaus feel completely helpless. The only weakness he had was his family. Especially his sister. He didn't know how to console her regarding this situation.

"Mia, if you hadn't killed him, we both would be dead." Klaus told her.

Amelia was silent, not having any reply for that.

"Now Mikael won't be able to harm us." Klaus said smiling down at her. He was almost a head taller than his sister.

Amelia gave her brother a fierce hug and asked, "We don't have to worry about him anymore?"

"No." Klaus confirmed reassuringly.

Amelia visibly relaxed and her sobs had reduced to a couple hiccups.

"You need to rest. It has been a very long week." Klaus told Amelia pulling away from the hug.

"Give me a piggy back ride then." Amelia demanded making Klaus sigh.

'What all I have to do for my sister' he thought to himself but complied anyways.

Klaus turned around and Amelia hopped on his back putting her arms around his neck and resting her head on his shoulder. Klaus supported her knees so she wouldn't slip.

As they walked into the living room of the mansion on their route to go to Amelia's room, they were greeted by three over excited girls- Joanna, Katherine and Caroline.

"Mia!! I am so glad you are back to yourself. I missed you so much!"

"Don't you dare do that ever again, do you understand me?"

"Let's go shopping tomorrow!"

"Glad to have you back Amelia."

"I will kill you myself if you try that stunt again. Get it?"

"We should have a girl's day out!"

"Whoa, whoa, whoa." Amelia shouted because all the three were speaking simultaneously. Caroline was being the loudest and going completely off track.

"Care, I missed you too. Yes, we will go shopping and have a girls day sometime." Amelia said when the noise lessened.

"I won't do it again, I promise Jo." Amelia said rolling her eyes. "And you can't kill me. I am immortal."

"Glad to be back Kat." Amelia smiled at the only sane response she had gotten.

"Okay, enough chit chat. Amelia has to rest." Klaus announced when Caroline and Joanna started talking again.

"I'll see all of you tomorrow." Amelia said as Klaus took her out of the living room.

"Thanks Nik." Amelia said as they reached her room. Klaus gave her a kiss on her cheek and instructed her to rest before exiting her room.

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