31 ~ Family Business

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Chapter 31 ~ Family Business.

~Third Person's POV~

"I think I misread it." Klaus stated finally.

"What are you talking about?" Stefan asked him.

"The prophecy. I thought it said that there was only one person who could bring her back. It isn't like that. It states that one event will bring her back." Klaus explained.

"That makes sense." Elijah mused.

After Amelia had just left, Klaus had gone back inside. Katherine had voiced her confusion about the prophecy and Amelia. Klaus had taken out the grimoire where it was written and went to the page where the prophecy was written.

"So it wasn't Damon who got through to her?" Michael asked.

"What do you mean?" Klaus asked suspiciously.

"I uh was talking about the whole 'Matt dying' scene. Damon helped us in that. Yeah." Michael stammered, trying to come up with a good excuse for his slip up. The rest of them were tensed knowing that Klaus would be pissed if he found out about the extent of Damon's involvement in the plan.

"Hmm." Klaus was still suspicious but he dropped the topic for now.

After some time Stefan and Michael got up and announced that they were going to the game room since the match they were watching on TV had just ended.

Hey Jo, want to come and watch me kick Michael's ass in foosball?" Stefan asked her.

"Hey!" Michael protested. "If anybody is doing any ass kicking, it's me."

"Yeah, in your dreams." Stefan said snorting.

"Will you two stop acting like an old married couple?" Klaus asked amused by their antics.

"Shut up." Both of the retorted together.

Klaus just chuckled.

"Come on lets go. I will be the judge of who wins and who loses." Joanna announced ending the stupid argument the two of them were having.

Stefan and Michael kept arguing as they went out of the room annoying Joanna. Finally she snapped at them and told them off. That got them to shut up with a slight grumble and head peacefully to the game room.

"Don't you have to make any one's life hell today?" Katherine questioned Klaus teasingly.

Klaus had forgiven and forgotten his and Katherine's past. They could even be called friends. With their similar devious natures, they butted heads at times but it wasn't anything serious. Klaus could be trusted to be around her without planning to kill her. And Katherine was close enough to get away with the occasional teasing.

Right now it was only Katherine and Klaus in the living room. Elijah had disappeared without an excuse soon after Amelia had gone out.

"Not in a particularly vengeful mood." Klaus said with a dry laugh.

Katherine chuckled softly at his reply. "That's new for you. Is Niklaus Mikaelson going soft? I bet it has to do with some girl."

Klaus shook his head denying it.

But Katherine wasn't convinced. Her eyes widened as she said, "There is a girl. Isn't there?"

Klaus rolled his eyes saying, "Nope there isn't."

"Who is it tell me!" Katherine pressed on clearly not buying Klaus' lies.

Klaus sighed and said, "I am not into anyone. And I am not going soft!"

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