39 ~ Was All The Threatening Really Necessary?

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Chapter 39 ~ Was All The Threatening Really Necessary?

~Eliza's POV~

When Damon asked me to do him another favor I knew that I had made a mistake the second I agreed. His idea of a favor was being his doppelgangers bodyguard. I wasn't looking forward to it nor did I want to do it. But when Damon agreed to give me one of his cars I instantly changed my mind. But mind you, I wasn't happy about it.

I wasn't the only one who shared those views. Bonnie, the witch, Elena's best friend wasn't too fond of the idea. To say that we had started off on the wrong foot was an understatement. We clashed way too often and in the end Elena and Damon had to separate us so that we didn't end up killing the other.

Psht, like that young witch could take me. I rolled my eyes at the incredulous idea. The music blasting from my speakers of the Mustang that I had gotten from Damon wasn't helping me to cool down like it usually did. With a sigh I pressed stop on my Ipod deck and travelled in silence.

I chose that moment to let my thoughts wonder. I had come to this dreadful town only to help Damon out. I had figured I would do it quickly, catch up with Stefan as well and leave town. What I hadn't considered was the entry of the originals into the story.

The originals were much more powerful and influential than Damon realized. One wrong move by him and he would be chicken kebab. And apparently it had become my duty to see that he didn't get his ass handed to him. Also I was supposed to train Elena to be a good little vampire and keep her away from the other guy I considered as family.

Stefan on the other hand had indeed become a good little vampire. On his scale of 'Let's murder innocent cute bunnies' to 'I will kill everyone in the town tonight' he was doing quite well. The best part being that he had moved on from Katherine. Elena was obviously just something that reminded him of Katherine. I personally couldn't see what drew Stefan to Elena. She was the damsel in distress and I guess Stefan liked playing 'hero'.

Damon had taken up that role now. Elena had him twisted around her pinky finger. When Stefan was 'helping' us out, he had told me about Damon's feelings for Amelia. But now those feelings seemed to have disappeared. Amelia would have been good for him. But Damon had strong feelings against the originals. Strong feelings of hate. And Amelia had settled down with a hybrid that Klaus had created. And with what Stefan told me they were pretty happy with each other.

Klaus. Sigh. One topic I never let my mind wander to. I had done my best to suppress those memories. A knock on my window made me snap back to reality.

I rolled down the window to see Elena's slightly confused face. Looking around her I saw that we had reached the high school. Bonnie was also with her and she had a slightly annoyed look on her face.

"What's wrong? You were just staring off into nothing for a couple of minutes. I called out your name but you didn't respond until I knocked." Elena asked with a frown.

"Oh, it's nothing." I faked a smile and even though she wasn't convinced she dropped it.

I followed her to the admissions office and compelled myself as a student of the school. The first few lectures were boring and uneventful. Stefan was in school surprisingly and Elena seemed to be visibly affected by that. Bonnie had been filled in about the whole sire bond stuff so she made it a point to be around Elena the whole time when we were in school. The times she couldn't be, I was given orders to bodyguard Elena.

"What makes you think that I don't have anything better to do?" I asked dryly when Bonnie wanted me to accompany Elena to the ground for cheerleading practice. The classes were over and this was just extracurricular activity. I had been getting through my classes with one thought in mind, that I would be driving my newly acquired car around the town as soon as I got out of here. But with this new agenda my lovely plans had to be postponed. And I didn't like that.

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