32 ~ Why Can't We Just Have A Picnic? Why Do You Need A Freaking Ball?!

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Chapter 32 ~ Why Can't We Just Have A Picnic? Why Do You Need A Freaking Ball?!

~Third Person's POV~

"Who do you think is behind these attacks?" Elena asked Matt as they walked to the parking lot of the hospital.

Recently there have been many attacks on the town people. It started with a medical examiner that was stabbed to death with a wooden stake. He wasn't a vampire and it confused the sheriff.

"I don't know." Matt replied to her. Nobody could figure out what was going on. There were no witnesses, no suspects. Nothing at all.

"How's Caroline holding up?" Elena asked hesitantly. She and Caroline were now estranged. Their interactions were to a minimum from the time that Caroline started hanging out with the originals.

"She is holding it together considering." Matt replied. Caroline's dad had been attacked 2 nights ago. Vampire blood was found in his system. He was now in the transitioning phase. Caroline and her mom were trying to convince him to go through with it but he didn't want to become a vampire. He hated vampires and to become one would be the absolute last thing that he would want to do. So he was going to die and Caroline was distraught about it.

Elena nodded as they walked. "How are you dealing with all of this? You keep getting dragged into this mess." She said to Matt.

"Honestly, I am kind of lucky. The only thing I have to worry about is getting to my job at the Grill tomorrow in time." Matt said with a dry laugh. Amelia filled him in on the details but she more or less ordered him not to get involved at the matters at hand. He was human so he could he be easily hurt.

"Thank you for today." Elena said to Matt refereeing to how he was there for her when Alaric had been a victim of the ongoing attacks.

"Get home safe." Matt said and turned to walk to his car.

Elena nodded and made her way to her own car. She watched in her rear view mirror as matt drove away.

She revved up her engine and pulled out of the parking spot. A loud sound, as if she had hit something or someone was heard and Elena got out to check.

She was surprised when she didn't see anything behind her car. A whoosh made her turn and face Rebekah's enraged face.

"Not very good at driving are you?" Rebekah asked innocently, cocking her head to the side.

"Rebekah." Elena breathed out in shock. She didn't know that Rebekah had been undaggered. She had run into Elijah once so she knew about him. But she had no further knowledge regarding the Original family.

"Hello Elena." Rebekah snarled, her hand around Elena's throat, pinning her against the car.

Elena clawed at Rebekah's hands but it obviously didn't affect Rebekah's hold against her throat.

"You put a dagger through my back Elena. It hurt." Rebekah said angrily.

She was suddenly released when Rebekah was yanked away from her and pushed against the side of the car. Elena was shocked to see her savior as none other than Elijah.

"Elijah!" Rebekah protested against his hold.

"You know what Mother said Bekah. Don't go against her rules." Elijah reminded his sister.

"You are such a spoil sport brother." Rebekah said rolling her eyes. Elijah released her and with a venomous look at Elena, Rebekah disappeared from there.

"I believe we have a lot of catching up to do." Elijah said facing Elena.


"It was the Original witch that was in the coffin that Bonnie and her mother opened." Elena said to Damon and Bonnie.

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