14 ~ Two Emotionless Vampires Sassing Each Other.

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Chapter 14 ~ Two Emotionless Vampires Sassing Each Other.

~Amelia's POV~

Klaus, Elijah and I were out for a couple more hours. Elijah and I wanted to know about the whereabouts of our daggered siblings but Klaus had refused to budge even when Elijah and I had pestered him non-stop. Well only me. Elijah was the calm composed one.

When we reached Alaric's apartment- where Klaus was temporarily staying, we were in for a surprise.

Stefan was against the wall with Katherine's hand around his neck. Stefan struggled to get her hand off but it was useless. Katherine was way older than him and thus stronger than him.

"What a surprise. Stefan Salvatore, what brings you here?" Klaus exclaimed.

"Look who decided to pay a visit. You just keep popping up where you aren't supposed to be don't you?" I said.

"I need your help." Stefan said as Katherine put him down. "For my brother. I want the cure for a werewolf bite. Just give me the cure. I will do whatever you want."

"Hmm interesting." Klaus said. "But first things first. I promised my dear brother that I would reunite him with our family." Klaus said walking towards a table.

"Indeed, Klaus promised me that I would be with my family again." Elijah said feeling the need to explain it to Stefan. Katherine was at the side watching in the event unfolding in front of her.

Before I could comprehend what was going on, Klaus stabbed Elijah in the back piercing his heart with the dagger- obviously dipped in white ash. I couldn't move as I watched Klaus stab Elijah in the back literally.

"Nooo." I screamed and willed my legs to move to Elijah's side. I rushed over to him and held Elijah who had a shocked expression on his face. His skin had started to grey and he collapsed. I went to remove the dagger out of his body but Klaus' hand stopped me.

"Why did you dagger him?" I cried out furiously at Klaus. "He is the only family we had and now you have daggered him." Angry tears had come to my eyes. I cradled Elijah's head on my lap stroking his hair just imagining that he was asleep. Poor Elijah. He didn't deserve this at all.

"He wanted to be reunited with our family. I gave him what he wanted." Klaus said shrugging. I should have known that Klaus wouldn't stick to his word. He would find a loophole in it. All Elijah and I wanted was to be reunited with our family. But Klaus wouldn't have that. I have been putting up with this kind of behavior of Klaus for over 100 years. He has daggered and kept our family and didn't think twice about it. I was beyond angry at him. Frankly I was tired of feeling any kind of emotion.

Just as I thought that, I felt something like a switch go off in my body. When I blinked my eyes I could see the world differently. A world where I didn't give a crap about anyone. I had switched off my emotions. And it felt great. Why hadn't I done this before?

"You are such an ass Nik." I seethed. Klaus could feel the change in me and his eyes held a bit of fear. Good. I felt nothing though. My emotions had truly been switched off now. I wasn't the same anymore. I placed Elijah on the sofa using my magic and I stood in a crouch facing Nik. I bared my fangs at him, my eyes already changing into an amber color- the color that indicated that my wolf was making a show.

"Get back Stefan." I heard Katherine warn in the background.

I lunged at Klaus, both of moving in a blur. I got in a few punches while Klaus just defended himself. I was overridden by rage and anger that I didn't think properly with my brain. A couple of pieces of furniture broke and many things got shifted from their original position.

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